White Tower


All in all Downcross’ “White Tower,” is one hell of a black metal album that has so much going for it through an incredible, enriched sound that doesn't take away anything from the genre's abrasive, underground sound yet the band makes it sound expansive in all the right ways.
August 26, 2024

DOWNCROSS is a black metal band from Belarus, who hit the scene in 2015 with their debut demo. Their latest release is their sixth full-length album, “White Tower.” “White Tower,” is an album with some heft to it–the sound is huge and robust without being overly produced. The songs take the raw power and energy of black metal and run them through a variety of moods and atmospheres. Everything about this album is worthy because it covers all the bases without letting any particular style become dominant. It’s fast, furious yet slow and introspective. It’s as prone to ambient textures as much as it is outbursts of violence. Riff based structures find a home among atmospheric tendencies. In essence, the band mixes it up very well across the 9 song, 43 minute runtime. The overall vibe of the album is pure darkness—there isn’t a ray of light to be found here. Of course, some areas of the album are more vibrant than others. But, remember, the sun comes out even in winter—and it’s still fucking cold.

When the band is firing on all blackened cylinders, such as on the opening song “I Am Entropy,” they cast classic black metal sound and tone. It’s riff based, searing edges of notes leaving huge gashes in whatever they hit. The rhythm section is like the march of an oncoming army. The bass absolutely slaps hard, going out of its way to kick seven tons of ass. The drums are very smart—fast when needed, hanging back when asked, intricate and complicated when asked, but always with something to say. However, even when they are at their most troo and kvlt, the band still throws curveballs. One example on this song is the passage at the 2:35 mark—melodic and epic but still loaded with bleak sorrow. Sometimes the lead guitar gets pulled into the rhythm, such as in “Void That Came After.” Doing this adds a sense of urgency that is nearly palpable. Indeed, there are several parts on the song where I thought the band might jump out of my headphones and string me up. After an atmospheric slow section around the halfway mark, the song suddenly kicks into high gear as it races towards the final part.

Only Death Is Faithful To You,” is the band at their most balanced, at least in the beginning. These opening riffs walk the line between melodic and hail satan but it always gives the bass plenty of room to walk, As the song gets more moody, it subtly moves towards a movement that is both riff based and atmospheric. “AlphaBeast WorldMurderer pt.II,” is one of the more furious songs on the album. The song still holds little details in between the rampant speed runs. Some of these passages, such as the 1:53 mark, lend the song a psychotic feel. Is this what going mad sounds like? Sweet. After the halfway mark, the entire band transforms into pure barbary. The title song ends the album, as an ambient instrumental. It is somber and funeral like…definitely a song for mourning and attempting to come to grips with this new reality. While this is a cool song, I feel like it would have worked better as the first song. Quibbles aside, it works as a good ending for the album.

All in all Downcross’ “White Tower,” is one hell of a black metal album that has so much going for it through an incredible, enriched sound that doesn't take away anything from the genre's abrasive, underground sound yet the band makes it sound expansive in all the right ways.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"White Tower" Track-listing:
  1. I Am Entropy
  2. I Deny the World of Me
  3. Void That Came After
  4. Lord of All Perfections
  5. White Tower
  6. Only Death Is Faithful to You
  7. Demiurge Must Eliminate Himself
  8. AlphaBeast WorldMurderer pt.II
  9. Downcross
Downcross Lineup:

Dzmtr - Guitars
Ldzmr - Vocals, Drums

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