Reverse (Passagio Inverso)


Although the country is well known for its legendary Death Metal scene, Italy has also […]
By Danny Sanderson
March 10, 2015
Doomraiser - Reverse (Passagio Inverso) album cover

Although the country is well known for its legendary Death Metal scene, Italy has also been producing some really fantastic Doom bands. The new CARONTE album that was released recently is a testament to that. Having shard a split with this band, DOOMRAISER is another fine Doom Metal act that have proved to be one of the countries best acts in the genre. Their latest, fourth album, "Reverse (Passagio Inverso)" is another offering of brilliant and inspired Doom tracks which are sure to have diehard fans of the genre frothing at the mouth with excitement.

Right from the opening track, "Addiction", it's clear just how good this band is. This opening song is driven by rhythmic, pounding drums, and powerful vocals that are filled with emotion and passion. The Guitar and Bass lines are fairly straight forward, but nonetheless great, Doom Metal riffs, and a fantastic, bluesy guitar solo. This has made a great single, and is an absolutely amazing way to kick off this album. "Mirror of Pain" opens with a genuinely eerie sounding piece of music, before becoming a heavy, old school Doom track which sounds really powerful. It's got some really good guitar lines that really draw the listener in, and some varied vocals from Nicola, ranging from clean, almost operatic vocals, through to thick Death growls. By this point, it is clear that this album is only getting heavier as it goes along, and the next track, "Ascension 6 to 7" is a further testament to that. At points, the guitars and the vocals are really dark and haunting, especially the main riff, which manages to create this atmosphere with only a few notes. Being the longest track on the album, we get to hear a lot of different aspects of the bands sound, including the Psychedelic influences, which really make their presence known for the first time at this point in the album.  The synth part which closes this part of the song is truly majestic. "Apophis" is a very Hard Rock inspired piece of Doom, and is a very solid track, which further showcases Nicola's vocal range and the guitar talents of Drugo and Willer. The fifth offering on this album, "In Winter", is by far and away the best track on this whole album. It has a very strong, creepy atmosphere to it that really makes the song awesome, and again the Psychedelic influences are prominent in the music. The Ambient, Psychedelic piece that ends this track leads seamlessly into the next song, "Dio Inverso", which is another track along the same lines. It's slow, heavy and has a great atmosphere, and is more than a little bit reminiscent of ELECTRIC WIZARD. And then we come to the final song, "Ghost Track", which is a very strange way to close the album. There is literally no music for most of the song, and only a couple of minutes before the end of the track, a bizarre and brilliant Ambient piece begins to play, before fading away and bringing this record to its conclusion.

Although I'd have loved to have heard many more of the Ambient and Psychedelic elements being used in this bands music, this is a very solid, great album. This is another album that is gradually going to help Italy gain a reputation for creating fantastic Doom music. This is the sort of album that musical legacies are built on.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Reverse (Passagio Inverso)" Track-listing:

1. Addiction
2. Mirror of Pain
3. Ascension 6 to 7
4. Apophis
5. In Winter
6. Dio Inverso
7. Ghost Track

Doomraiser Lineup:

Cynar - Vocals / Synth
Serpico - Guitars
Montagna - Guitars
BJ - Bass
Pinna - Drums

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