December 2, 2014

Here ladies and gentlemen, is a real treat indeed; this album is a combination of everything that makes extreme metal what it is. Through reading this review we will venture on journey that consists of heavy ferocious riffs and special guest appearances from some of Metals elite.
This is "Noxious"!
We start this album off with the first track "Embraced by Malice". As the song begins we hear chanting harmonizing with an acoustic guitar melody lead by the sound of large and heavy blasts of electric guitar flowing into the already strong melody, with these three elements, in time we now start to hear a strong angry and relentless voice echoing into the melody of this already powerful and destructive choir of chaos. The song itself holds some very interesting patterns that in a weird way resemble DECAPITATED in a way, though the sound itself is different, very much a dark and vicious chord of melody and idea placed into one song. It is hard to really describe what it is I am listening to but I can surely say it is something incredible and unique, for what I can really say of it I believe that it is a force of it's own which shows that these guys have matched some impressive elements in order to create such a piece, it truly is a thing of brilliance.
The next song I have chosen to look at is the fourth track on this record entitled "Salvation". As the track begins we see that this is a much faster paced song which in a rush begins with furious concentration on both the vocals and guitar, the fact is this is a much more intense song with what I can only describe as a punishing beat of dark and destructive riff styles from JORN, you can really feel the Industrial areas that have been placed into this song but at the same time there is this strong Black Metal aura flowing through it at a raging speed. It is hard to really say how I feel about this song other then curious as to how it was created but what intrigues me more is the orchestral themes that have been placed into this song near the end as it feels very much like a masterpiece being constructed by a mad man with an ambition. To conclude on this track, I can say that this is really a mixed song of different influences and ideas being put together as one piece of destructive capabilities.
To conclude. This is something which can make any Extreme Metal fan happy in my opinion, it holds ideas and elements that come together into one whole creation, this being said you can see how each member has put their two cents into this album and how it comes together, this has been a very interesting listen for me to say the least and I must say I was very pleased with each song as it brings everything together in a way blending so any musical melodies and vibes into one.<
10 / 10

"Noxious" Track-listing:
1. Embraced By Malice
2. Discipline
3. Dream Of Fire
4. Salvation
5. Devoured By The Black Hole
6. Divine Ignorance
7. Servile Lackeys
8. You Shall Sire
9. Noxious
Dominanz Lineup:
Roy Mathisen - Vocals, Bass, Guitar, Synth
Jørn Tunsberg - Guitar
Frode Gaustad - Drums
Special guests:
Lars Skulstad (Ex-HELHEIM) - Synth
Abbath (IMMORTAL) - Vocals
Olav Iversen (SAGH) - Vocals
Doro Korsvold (FAIRY) - Vocals
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