

"Opulence" is the third full-length album from the international experimental deathcore duo, DJINN-GHÜL. The album […]
May 16, 2023
Djinn-Ghül - Opulence album cover

"Opulence" is the third full-length album from the international experimental deathcore duo, DJINN-GHÜL. The album fuses industrial atmospherics with a brutal death metal/deathcore sound that features both members on vocals. The album opener, "God Lymph," begins with droning guitar feedback and distorted drumming before the main riff kicks in. The double bass drum beats that punctuate this part sound excellent. The instrumentation is blindingly fast and excessively distorted. Both Nachbur and Patiño's vocals complement each other well, with one using low growls and the other utilizing a higher raspy style. The vocals work best when both men are singing together.

The title track features guest vocals from Jordan James, the vocalist for DISENTOMB. It's a fun track, with its added vocals and interspersed industrial metal ambiance. The following track, "Pseudosapien," is one of the more dynamic tracks on "Opulence." The choppy, cut-up effect is not overused and is a welcome addition. The chugging guitars and the extended vocal "breeeeeeee" are high points as well. Toward the track's end, the vocals get too messy, with too many effects for my liking.

"Fruitless Grasp" is the most chaotic song on "Opulence." The guest vocals from Phlegoton of WORMED are a nice touch, but the track as a whole is too busy. There's a humming that persists throughout most of the song that overpowers the other elements. There are too many vocal styles going on. There are distorted growls, distorted spoken growls, distorted talking, low growls, high rasps, and a "breeeeeee." The guitars and blast beats sound nice, but those elements aren't able to compensate for the song's negative aspects.

The final track, "Grave Vessel," is entirely superfluous. There is entirely too much distortion for its two-and-a-half-minute duration. That is the issue that I take with "Opulence" as an album. The industrial elements and excessive distortion mar what would otherwise be a brutal, face-melting album. However, "Opulence" isn't without its high points. I enjoyed the more straightforward deathcore qualities, but ultimately there is too much directionless experimentation to elevate this album above the pack.

7 / 10









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"Opulence" Track-listing:

1. God Lymph
2. Xobek
3. Ghola
4. Opulence
5. Pseudosapien
6. Mother
7. Fruitless Grasp
8. Garden of Jaws (It Sees Too Much)
9. Grave Vessel

Djinn-Ghül Lineup:

Grant Nachbur - All Instruments, Vocals
Junior Patiño - Vocals

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