

Not my cup of tea.
August 6, 2024

From the cold plains of Sweden there is a band of Viking/Folk, Progressive Metal called VINTERSORG that was created by the singer and guitar player named Vintersorg. Super original right? Then Vintersorg (the singer) decided to create DIMBILD and launch an  acoustic album called Dunkelglod. Confused with the names already? There is more. The album starts with “Frostpiskan” with a very ethereal mood using what sounds like a citara and flute arrangement. The singing is in Swedish and has a nice arrangement and backing vocals. Despite some extra energy halfway through the tune, it sounds nice but it does not sound Metal. We follow with “Om Dessa Hällar Kunde Tala” that follows the same formula with acoustic instruments and double vocal melody. I believe the proposal here is not to be heavy at all. It sounds more like local folklore songs with modern arrangements that are very nice but still a little strange to my ears.

Horisont” is next and since I unfortunately do not understand Swedish, I am not able to extract all aspects of the songs. It basically sounds a little medieval and I do not know if this was the intent. Imagine a bard telling histories from a past long gone. At least that's what it sounds to me. We reach half way with “Milstenen” and I am starting to get a little bored. The songs kind of sound the same and there are no surprises. Nice arrangements and voice work but no hook or anything memorable so far. The next one “ Urtidslabyrinten" has a little more energy, but it falls short again to catch my non nordic ears. I think I may have found the correct word, Nordic. It sounds like Nordic folklore. Is really nice but I do not believe this album can be easily digested by metal listeners or  as a matter of fact, any audience outside those realms. The song names also do not help much. “Ändlösa Sekunder” is an example. This song once again has a nice acoustic guitar arrangement that would certainly be appreciated by a Nordic king centuries ago.

I had to listen to the original band VINTERSORG and I could hear proper progressive Metal from them. I believe the singer decided to go crazy on the solo album that could not be more distant than his band’s album. And the medieval arrangements are still the main focus on “Stjärngnistor(say this name 3 times!). This one is the one that sounded more familiar to my ears and I will choose it as the best of the album so far. We end our viking tour with “Vilt, Kalt Och Ödsligt” and it is more of the same. I do not want to disrespect any culture or traditions, but this album almost bored me to death. I am sure there is a huge audience for this type of acoustic, medieval songs, but they are all in Sweden making the album very limited in its audience reach. It's like Max Cavalera decided to make a traditional Samba album. Very weird.

4 / 10

Nothing special








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"Dunkelglod" Track-listing:

1. Frostpiskan
2. Om Dessa Hällar Kunde Tala
3. Horisont
4. Milstenen
5. Urtidslabyrinten
6. Ändlösa Sekunder
7. Stjärngnistor
8. Vilt, Kalt Och Ödsligt

Dimbild Lineup:

Vintersorg- All instruments

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