Footprints and Embers
January 16, 2015

In 2014, I received and reviewed a lot of British albums and I was hugely impressed by the vast majority of them and I expect great things from 2015's British invasion if there is one and today I will be reviewing an album from a British band who next month will be releasing their new EP.
The band in question is DIGITS and their new EP, entitled "Footprints and Embers" is out on February 2nd 2015. This 4 piece Alternative Rock and Post Hardcore band are from the Newcastle and North East area of the UK and their original name was CUT GLASS ACCENT before they changed it to the name they use now and in 2013 they released their debut EP as DIGITS entitled "Acquiesce to Violence". Following a few accidents and member changes since their debut EP dropped, the band are back with a new EP which will be the focus of this review and I hope that 2015 has got off to a good start in terms of new British Rock music.
An EP is usually very short and here that's the case as we just get 4 songs which starts off with the song "Embers" and ends with the tune "Eros" with the songs "Dysphoria" and "Parachutes" as the songs that sit in between the opener and closer. So does this EP get 2015's British invasion off to a good start or is it the other way around?
You know, I never thought I would find myself saying this but 2015 has got off to a bit of a bad start for new British music. Why? I think the reason behind this odd start is mostly down to the band's secondary genre which is Post Hardcore which I have never heard before until now and I do not want to hear it again. Why? The first three songs on the EP do have some good melodies but they are let down by the vocals which seem to focus too much on screaming and growling and that can make trying to enjoy the music very difficult as it's very hit and miss. There are moments where the vocals are clear with no screaming going on for small periods of time and it's those moments you always look forward to even if the vocal performance itself is a bit hit and miss at times. The only song that has no screaming on it is the closing song and that is the song I prefer for those reasons.
I haven't really got anything else to say so I'm going to close off this review by saying that this was my first and I hope last taste of Post Hardcore music as I didn't find myself enjoying it as I would have preferred it if the band were Alternative Rock instead as that is a genre I do like. I hope that any more British releases I get this year won't be slightly mediocre as I really hope that it was just a bit of a rough start just like with the TRIAL album I reviewed as that got a new year of Swedish music to a bad start but I know that overtime we'll get some better releases over the coming months to make up for it.
6 / 10
Had Potential
"Footprints and Embers" Track-listing:
1. Embers
2. Dysphoria
3. Parachutes
4. Eros
Digits Lineup:
Chris Bradley - Vocals, Guitars
Craig 'Abby' Strawbridge - Guitars, Vocals
Stuart 'Stu' Latham - Bass, Vocals
Matt Hickman - Drums
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