Die Sunde

Die Sunde

From their Facebook page, "Die Sünde band formed in 2018, with members coming from different […]
Die Sunde - Die Sunde album cover

From their Facebook page, "Die Sünde band formed in 2018, with members coming from different musical backgrounds. The lyrics and the music are the representation of the "worst." Their debut EP here contains four tracks. "Diniego delle "Empireo" opens the EP. It sort of sounds like Black Metal, but is desolate from the instrumentation and done with vocal screams. The riff stays pretty steady throughout, and they build an ominous sound. It segues into "Megattera," which is close to seven minutes in length. That riff continues throughout, and they really want to paint a despondent tone on the EP. It's not that traditional when it comes to the genre. The guitars don't build that familiar "wall of sound" that often accompanies the genre. Instead, the riff stays fairly steady. There is also an ambient passage with spoken word.

"Persistenza inane" is even colder, and darker, as if that is even possible. The clean vocals here are a bit of a surprise at first, but lead to harsh vocals pretty quickly. When the harsh vocals come in, the song slows to a lumbering beast. "Abisso" is slightly faster in pace, but those harsh vocals are gut wrenching. It slows to heavy accents and spoken words, sounding like something that would come from the Dark Lord himself. It straddles the line of complete annihilation, about to implode any second. Overall, this album was not very diverse. Each song sounded like the other, and they don't get many points for creativity. The vocals are pretty convincing, but the music itself is not. If their goal was to create a desolate, cold landscape, they met that. However, they need to spice things up in future releases, because this album was mediocre at best.

4 / 10

Nothing special








"Die Sunde" Track-listing:

1. Diniego delle"Empireo
2. Megattera
3. Persistenza inane
4. Abisso

Die Sunde Lineup:


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