Friede Sei Mit Dir

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter

Ok, these guys are crazy, for sure! Every single album they release is a challenge […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
July 4, 2006
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Friede Sei Mit Dir album cover

Ok, these guys are crazy, for sure! Every single album they release is a challenge for the listener. This time I knew that something new would be hidding inside this CD. A weird track, a crazy cover or something like that. What I finally found is written below. So, read and enjoy...
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, which stands for Riders Of The Apocalypse, debuted with their Demo CD Firestorm (1996). Their first album was Soft And Stronger, a 1997 release. After 5 studio albums full of surprises (cover of Manowar's Master Of The Wind and many more), the German freaks hit back with a single CD that is surely nothing common!
So, what we have here is a single CD release. The CD consists of four tracks full of great melodies and Fuchs's well known voice! The opening track, Friede Sei Mit Dir, is a classic Die Apokalyptischen Reiter track that features all the good, classic elements like blast beats, heavy guitars and Fuchs's crazy voice! The melodies and the guitar fills are great, making the track more and more interesting every time you listen to it. The second track, Wenn Ich Traume', reminded me a bit of Arch Enemy's more melodic moments. It's full of Thrash riffs and melodic lines that are close to the Swedish scene. The third track is just the track you cannot avoid! The track you will listen to until the CD melts! A great cover of Johnny Cash's Ghostriders In The Sky! Hmmm, I'm not sure if it's his song, I've heard some different versions but I think it's his song. Anyway, you have to listen Fuchs singing those cowboy/Indian screams! Fuck yeah! The last track is Komm. It starts with a piano and a voice that's trying to be melancholic and sad. Really, can you be melancholic using the German language (no offense, I'm just referring to the language because it surely is a heavy one!). The track is a ballad or something like that, that you can surely listen to while drinking the second bottle of vodka! I don't know what the lyrics are about 'cause these guys are capable of writing a ballad talking about how to roast your shoes or something!
Anyway, if you know them as a band, you know that you won't get disappointed. The rest of you have to try to get in touch with their music. Every single CD they release is a remarkable experience! See, think, buy or Dubai (sorry for the stolen line!). That's all folks!

8 / 10


"Friede Sei Mit Dir" Track-listing:

Friede Sei Mit Dir
Wenn Ich Traume
Ghostriders In The Sky

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter Lineup:

Fuchs - Vocals & Guitar
Pitrone - Guitar
Volk-Man - Bass & Vocals
Dr. Pest - Keyboards
Sir G. - Drums & Percussion

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