Follow the Deadlights

Diablo Blvd

DIABLO BLVD is a Rock/Metal band from Belgium. "Follow the Deadlights" is their third, full-length […]
January 3, 2015
Diablo Blvd - Follow the Deadlights album cover

DIABLO BLVD is a Rock/Metal band from Belgium. "Follow the Deadlights" is their third, full-length album, and contains ten tracks. From the opening, dirty riff in "Beyond The Veil," I hear rich, full and thick Rock/Metal, with melodic sensibility. The main riff swings with all of the soul of good Blues, and Alex's vocals vary in style from a signature snarl to open-ended harmony. The chorus is an all-in approach, drawing out the notes in memorable fashion. As the track "Get Up 9" roars in, you can hear the music pick up energy and intentionality. This is a bit more towards the Metal side of the genre, as a dark riff rears its head. Once again they nail a memorable chorus. The title track, "Follow the Deadlights" presents some more diversity in the album, in an almost METALLICA post-"Black Album" feel to it. This track breathes some more but still has that punch that you would expect. "Son of Cain" extends the energy and excitement and I really like where this album is heading. Some might term this as ALTERNATIVE but I think there is too much edge to the band to call it so. "Fear is for the Enemy" is another strong track, with a bit of NWOBHM influence, as twin leads carry the initial melody. As the riff settles in, I am reminded of the band FIREBALL MINISTRY, an almost post SABBATH Metal sound. Where they distinguish themselves, however, is that use of a big chorus, which just accentuates the message so well. "End of Time" has an ominous opening, with slow, building chords that hook up with some wah-wah effects. When the main riff kicks in, it picks up in pace, with some menacing vocals. Closing the album is the song "Inhuman." Clean guitar parts and low, thudding percussion lead the track forward. The melody is dark but pleasing at the same time. There is a tug between despair and hope from verse to chorus, like any good Doom band has. Overall, this is a pleasant marriage of Rock and Metal. I can hear influences from bands we have known in the 1970's, 1980's and beyond. I really like the energy presented as well as the dynamic shifting here and there in the individual tracks. It keeps the music fresh and varied, and you can hear the band's honest approach to their craft.

8 / 10


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"Follow the Deadlights" Track-listing:

1. Beyond The Veil
2. Rise Like Lions
3. Get Up 9
4. Follow the Deadlights
5. Son of Cain
6. We Are Legion
7. Fear is for the Enemy
8. Peace Won by War
9. End of Time
10. Inhuman

Diablo Blvd Lineup:

Alex Agnew - Vocals
Dave Hubretchs - Guitars
Andries Beckers - Guitars
Tim Bekaert - Bass
Kris Martens - Drums

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