Demo 2008

Deviant Messiah

Hmmm, I like seeing a demo release with a totally amateur old school artwork (including […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
May 26, 2008
Deviant Messiah - Demo 2008 album cover

Hmmm, I like seeing a demo release with a totally amateur old school artwork (including the logo) and a name like DEVIANT MESSIAH written on it. I know it sounds too cliche and the demo CD may suck donkeyballs, but since I haven't listened to it yet I am just expressing my opinion on the whole package.

The band hails from LeMans, France and was formed in 2007, which means that we have to deal with a pretty fresh band here. The band recruited vocalist Deha from Belgium, a man who moved to France to be a part of DEVIANT MESSIAH (at least that's what they say). This is the band's first release and it is limited to 100 copies that are given or sold, but are mainly for promotional use.

DEVIANT MESSIAH are playing a mixture of Black and Death Metal with some fragments of Thrash Metal that make the whole thing even more interesting. The band shows some good signs of good brutal music and if they keep up like this they will probably tip us with much better things in the near future. The production is not the best possible, but at least it is not a shitty sound that causes you a headache.

DEVIANT MESSIAH have the heaviness, the brutality and of course the potential to do something really good. Demo 2008 is not one some of the best Death/Black Metal I have heard, but is a more than decent work from a hard working band. Check them out.


"Demo 2008" Track-listing:

I Am (The Mad Messiah)
Cold Blood
Destroy All And All
Sacrifice By Gore
Mental Disease (Outro)

Deviant Messiah Lineup:

Deha - Vocals, Keyboards
Benj - Guitar
Tonio - Guitar
Nico - Bass
Jr. - Drums

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