Ash Blind

Devenial Verdict

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: DEVENIAL VERDICT; signed via Transcending […]
By Craig Rider
November 1, 2022
Devenial Verdict - Ash Blind album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: DEVENIAL VERDICT; signed via Transcending Obscurity Records, hailing from Finnish grounds - performing Brutal Death Metal, on their debut full-length album entitled: "Ash Blind" (released October 28th, 2022). Since formation in 2006; the quartet in question have 2 demos entitled: "Psychic Devourment" (released 2009), and "The Unborn God" (released April 2002). On top of 2 EPs entitled: "Corpus" (released August 22nd, 2014), and "Soulthirst" (released September 16th, 2016) in their discography so far... as well as this here full-length debut studio album of which I am introduced to. "Ash Blind" has 8 tracks, ranging around 44:18; DEVIANIAL VERDICT arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Brutal Death Metal developments.

Opening up with this cinematic introduction; "Hope" starts off the record with this rifting synthesis, until rampantly rompy thuds belt a clobbering foundation in amplified adrenaline and boisterously bouncy calamity. Fabricating a blistering barrage frenzy on some reverberating rumbles & trembling punchiness, weighing ferociously into a blasphemously distorted slab of solid stridency that strives with sulfurous yet primitive rawness on volatile meatiness to boot. A scouring snarl of symbolic virtuosity ramifies with this desolate but melancholic solo that surges with pummeled grinds and slaying melody that's most riveting while monolithically trampling for good measure. Rambunctious piledrives from hammering drummer Okko Tolvanen and an audible bass injection from infectious flickering from Antti Poutanen both chisel instruments with venomously steely precision & vibrantly potent viscerality, showcasing this progressively technical maelstrom expertise in firepower heat which will bludgeon eardrums with monstrous momentum prodigiously with brutal intent - especially in "Pravum".

A slamming tremor salubriously punches out some razor-sharp guitar hooks from Sebastian Frigren, as a dexterously contorted intensity immensely forges a radically wicked mobility on shredding nimbleness & rapidly swift remedy. Utilizing profusely robust strikes that pursuit with thumpy stompiness & wildly rushing vehemence, this versatile tempo soars with uproariously aggressive evolution in a dense but impactful impulse while vocalist Riku Saressalo yells out a gnarly but guttural rage that shouts with strong rasp, suffocating throatiness grumbles into a bleeding heft while the concretely gritty instrumental masterclass pugnaciously manifests with this sonically seamless stability on abhorrent disarray. The titular track unearths this blackened hymn while stampeding drum cymbal taps rampage into galloping overdrive, masquerading with flexible fundamental wrath and an abominable transition on an archaic archetype in evil empowering finesse, attributing heavily on the thunderously zealous synergy that continuously gallops into a frolicking chug of viciously driving caliber that's most killer.

Nothing but an extreme execution comes out of this record; "Ash Blind" desegregates heads into oblivion, which is evidently profound within the sludgy yet spellbinding vexation of "Sun Hammer" & the slow downed harmony of "Mourning Star". Both craft an emerging element in implementing ruthless pandemonium & mellifluous yet hymnal complexity within the bruising deathliness embedded hallowedness that's just dauntingly bestial all round. Revolving with this crescendo effervescent, buoyant fluidity experiments as an all guns blazing fervor fires an all cylinders aggression while sorrowful anguish that splendidly excels with marveling songwriting musicianship & a crumbling sound production proficiencies of seething proportion that merges well with the inhumane kicks in metal meltdown heat, in which packs quite the slam within the retribution of relentlessly breserking bulldozing that's offered here.

"The Contemptor" unleashes more devious headiness; groundbreaking a borderline foundation in ominous yet jarring revs that pierce through you with euphonic but cavernous ghoul, complete with those explorative but excruciating noise terror of symbolism & of corpselike contingences that rollick with savagely sinister barbarity in which wails with monumental transparency of oppressively malevolent advent in cadaverous excellence that will most surely send shivers through your spine. Until the penultimate banger "Inanition" arms a brimming formulaic of organic substance & towering but alarming yet slanderous wretchedness that will distill a fiercely searing sweltering of Brutal Death Metal majesty that's rather primal whilst thick with filth induced motor of persevering persistence within the primeval semblance that's portrayed here.

Overall concluding "Ash Blind" with the finale epic: "World Breaker"; which introduces bong blasting batterings midway, this malicious record supplied an enriching enthrallment in hypnotizing Brutal Death Metal thrills that's rather spinnable & re-playable. Nothing particularly state of the art, but it will serve this subgenre with justifiable groove and diligently detailed wonder that will start your day off rightly with. Bottom line; an enjoyably entertaining discovery should one crave a distinctively distinguished array of this intriguing but absorbing experience at hand, worthy of listening to - definitely check it out.

7 / 10









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"Ash Blind" Track-listing:

1. Hope
2. Pravum
3. Ash Blind
4. Sun Hammer
5. Mourning Star
6. The Contemptor
7. Inanition
8. World Breaker

Devenial Verdict Lineup:

Okko Tolvanen - Drums
Riku Saressalo - Vocals
Sebastian Frigren - Guitars
Antti Poutanen - Bass

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