Hollow Dominion

Destroying Divinity

DESTROYING DIVINITY is back in action after four years for their fourth album "Hollow Dominion". […]
By Calen Nesten
February 6, 2015
Destroying Divinity - Hollow Dominion album cover

DESTROYING DIVINITY is back in action after four years for their fourth album "Hollow Dominion". The Czech Republic based band has been hard at work bringing a fury of Death Metal so pure, so addicting, it's considered a class 2 narcotic in most countries. The album is pure, violent Death Metal, it takes no time setting up with a pretty intro or soft, Melodic tracks but proceeds to perform a head-on attack toward your ears (as always, in the good way).
Normally, when a singer sounds like they are totally off key with the rest of the band I turn it off and write a passive aggressive review about the band and forget about the band forever.

With DESTROYING DIVINITY, however, I absolutely love it. The screamer sounds like a rambling mad man against the destructive grinding of the guitars, like he just walked into the studio and said "hey, I'm going to demonically rant, you guys can play some music or something, if you want". In spite of the chaotic nature of the vocals, they remain soft, at least as "soft" as you can be within Death Metal. It's especially evident in the end of the track "Defleshed Skeleton" where the vocals fade into a low, droning growl, definitely one of my favorite tracks. The guitar work is also pretty damn great, it incorporates solos don't distract from the song at all, they are short, spastic, and blend very well into the rest of the instrumentation. The album is a bit short, however but can be listened to over and over, discovering new and interesting elements.

This album doesn't fuck around, DESTROYING DIVINITY's hard work over the years is plain to see in their newest album which, in my opinion is the best album they have released so far. A must-listen!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Hollow Dominion" Track-listing:

1. The Eternity Guardian
2. Burning Divine Domination
3. Scent of Death
4. Empire of Emptiness
5. Suffering Redemption
6. Defleshed Skeleton
7. Sinful Omens
8. Inner Slavery

Destroying Divinity Lineup:

Erik - Vocals
Gassi - Guitar
Flagin - Guitar/Bass
Ommurtag - Drums

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