

One complain people usually have about Power Metal is that it's all the same as […]
By MarcusTheRocker
February 15, 2015
Destiny - Time album cover

One complain people usually have about Power Metal is that it's all the same as you can identify and name riffs from other songs in a melody which I would agree with but I've not listened to an insane amount of music from that genre so I can't really say if that's true or false but you know, even if it was true, I would not really care because if I enjoy the music, that's all that should matter right? Anyway, on with the review and today I will be reviewing the debut from a Power Metal band from Costa Rica who go by the name of DESTINY and in May last year, their debut "Time" was released and that shall be the subject of today's review.

Formed in 2013, DESTINY is a 6 piece band from San Jose in Costa Rica and they are influenced by acts such as ANGRA, STRATOVARIUS, DRAGONFLY and HELLOWEEN amongst others and that's where the band info part of this review ends as it's always hard to get more info then that on new bands.

The album opens up with a song that is titled after the band name which is not uncommon as I've seen other bands do it and it gives you a little taster of what this six piece band are capable of and as an opening number, it's not too bad as the melodies are nice and heavy and they sound quite melodic which is sort of what you expect from Power Metal and maybe there is a theme or two in there that the music is focused on which, again, is what you'd expect from a band in this genre.

From there, things vary with the music which isn't too bad I suppose as it shows that they can be diverse in their musical styles which is something I usually look out for and enjoy most of the time. I think the reason I said that is because although the musical melodies are very strong and very enjoyable, the vocal performance can at times be a bit off putting as there are a few hit and miss performances throughout the albums songs but I suppose it's not too bad of an issue as the vocalist does put some effort into his performance and you can hear that so if you enjoy the effort that gets put into it and are not really worried about any quality issues in the performance then that's fair enough and to a point I agree as there are a couple of songs where I was impressed with the vocal delivery and overall performance.

As well as the seven original songs recorded for this album, we get a couple of extra songs including a cover of "I Want Out" by HELLOWEEN who are one of this band's influences and we also get a second version of the DESTINY song "Fallen Angel" featuring Italian singer Roberto Tiranti (LABYRINTH) and it's hard to compare this with the singer of DESTINY in terms of vocal performance as both singers give an impressive delivery even if it does sound a bit hit and miss at times.

Overall verdict now and I'm going to say that for the most part, I enjoyed this debut from DESTINY as I was impressed with the cleanliness and the clarity of the production which is good as some Power Metal albums I heard last year had very cheap sounding production so I was glad about that and the vocal performance may have been a bit hit and miss from time to time but the delivery is quite impressive so it's not too bad if you take that into account. I would recommend this if you're looking for a new addition to your Power Metal collection.

7 / 10


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"Time" Track-listing:

1. Destiny
2. Fallen Angel
3. Time
4. I Saw An Angel Cry
5. Forgive But Not Forget
6. Into Black Horizon
7. I Want Out (Helloween cover)
8. 0Nothing Last Forever
9 .Fallen Angel (Feat. Roberto Tiranti) (Bonus Track)

Destiny Lineup:

Anton Darusso - Vocals
Allan "Kalay" Murillo - Guitar
Cristian Jiménez - Guitar
Jose Pablo Sequeira - Bass
Alejandro Amador - Keyboards
Andres Angulo - Drums

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