The Oath Of An Iron Ritual


What's up Metal maniacs? I'm here once again to give you an insight on the […]
June 24, 2016
Desaster - The Oath Of An Iron Ritual album cover

What's up Metal maniacs? I'm here once again to give you an insight on the German Black/Thrash Metal quintet DESASTER and their 8th album entitled: "The Oath Of An Iron Ritual"; released via the almighty Metal Blade Records.

Combining Black Metal with Thrash Metal will grant one a somewhat filthily interpreted mix of extreme brutality and musicianship; and it works gruesomely - in a good way! DESASTER are in their prime and performing in every aspect a quartet can. Their last album - "The Arts of Destruction" - was released in 2012; and it was about time the band released something.

As a newcomer to this beast, I'm proud to compile my thoughts and opinions of this brilliance in one fell swoop. When I first pressed play on my device with "The Oath Of An Iron Ritual", I was simply gob-smacked at the sheer destruction that DESASTER had proportionately unleashed upon my earbuds. Friends know me as a thrasher, and acquaintances alike, so the chances are: I'll love whatever thrash note one will deliver. And with that all said and done; let's dive into "The Oath Of An Iron Ritual", shall we?

So on vocals we have Sataniac (ah, here we go again with the cliché nicknames, but they're cool and fun so - I'll take it) and in traditional Black Metal fashion...the filth unleashes; extreme disgust is sensed in the making of this record so these vocals are not for the faint of heart. We have the pounding Tormentor on drums and the thunderous Odin on bass and the flawless Inferno on guitars who, in all their musicianship and instrumentation, implement a rip-roaring countermeasure of scrutiny that just scorches with rage and plummets into pure destruction.

DESASTER are simply what you make of it: a thrashing machine with the atmospheric intentions for a satanic ritual that is the shadowy realm of Black Metal. It's safe to say that what's in store for you is a literal disaster waiting to be unleashed on your eardrums; and I will say this right now: if you are into Thrash Metal and you listen to this and come back to me saying you don't like it - I will be shocked.

And with that out of the way I can start talking about the album in question. A behemoth of an opening track: "The Oath" conjures up an alarming but atmospheric combustion that fires up the real opener..."Proclamation in Shadows", It's fair to say that each song is addicting and longs for your headbanging pleasure. Mid-tempo sounds are abundant. Thrashers like "End of Tyranny", "The Cleric's Arcanum" and "Haunting Siren" pummel on melodies and maintain a thumping, grunting power ever so strongly; the latter especially has a very addicting punchline that keeps going throughout the 7 minute long epic. The songwriting is pretty much solidified with satanic hate which helps keep your head being whip-lashed. Originally...I felt I've heard a band like this before through efforts of BEHEMOTH, but what lies here is a true Blackened Thrash Metal band that simply stays true to the production.

"Damnatio Ad Bestias", "Conquer & Contaminate", and "The Denial" are heavier notes that end this album and define atmospheric Blackened Thrash. With similar tempos throughout, one can rest assured that if you blast this record to over 9000, you can guarantee that it will leave you wanting more and more. The titular track: "The Oath Of An Iron Ritual" and the finale "At The Eclipse Of Blades" left me with a "this is Metal as fuck" thought of memorable feedback; simple as that.

In conclusion...if you simply crave a darkened thrashing that implements the realms of Black Metal while contributing the speed of Thrash for atmospheric measure, DESASTER's new album "The Oath Of An Iron Ritual" is simply for you. I had a blast of a time with its near-perfect sound production and memorable grandeur that could even warrant this beast a masterpiece. Go buy it.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"The Oath Of An Iron Ritual" Track-listing:
  1. Intro (The Oath)
  2. Proclamation in Shadows
  3. End of Tyranny
  4. The Cleric's Arcanum
  5. Haunting Siren
  6. Damnatio Ad Bestias
  7. Conquer & Contaminate
  8. The Denial
  9. The Oath Of An Iron Ritual
  10. At The Eclipse Of Blades
Desaster Lineup:

Infernal - Guitars
Odin - Bass
Tormentor - Drums
Sataniac - Vocals

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