Suffering In The Coffin/A Crippling Crush


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: DEPRAVER; signed via Redefining Darkness, […]
By Craig Rider
November 24, 2019
Depraver - Suffering In The Coffin/A Crippling Crush album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: DEPRAVER; signed via Redefining Darkness, hailing from the United States of America - performing Black/Thrash Metal, on their only 2 EPs in their catalogue: "A Crippling Crush" (released September 5th, 2012) & "Suffering In The Coffin". (released January 26th, 2019).

Since formation in 2012; the quartet in question have only these 2 EPs in their discography so far entitled: "A Crippling Crush" (5 tracks ranging at around 19:28) & "Suffering In The Coffin" (4 tracks ranging at around 17:40); 9 tracks total in this compilation, DEPRAVER arrange an intricately designed formula of heavy-hitting Black/Thrash Metal amalgamations. Starting off with "Suffering In The Coffin"; with the titular track itself, conveying amplified adrenaline & boistrously bouncy gnarliness - fuelled into a gritty aesthetic of deadly hymns, and grinding distortion... flamboyantly fabricating crunchy chunkiness with uniquely versatile vehemence. Implementing a hardened dose of groovy elements, executed into a blasphemously dark atmosphere. Conjuring demonically hellish instrumentation, concrete chaos grandured with meticulous maelstroms of maddening manifestations & monstrously meaty quintessentials.

Consisting of Bile on vocals/guitars/trumpets; the multitasker showcases raspy vocalizations that savagely growls into a guttural flair of high-pitched lungs, and pipes of profusely robust spits that venomously scream with raging oppression. "Cult Of The Serpent" distils fluid complexity, dextrously dynamic thunder & wildly rushing rhythms provide rapidly swift nimbleness with potently quirky substance. The Rat Kicker also on vocals/guitars embellishes on experimental finesse, embodied with virtuose jumpiness & relentlessly riveting slabs of solidly punchy foundations. "Faustian Apex" opens up with smatterings of trumpeted tones; while crafting, chiseling fretworks; chugging, galloping & frolicking into a barraged frenzy of borderline intensity. Immersively contrasting blistering firepower with seamlessly sonic riffs that rampantly supply thick pursuits of old school death metal malevolence.

Powerhouse drummer The Sewagist hastily hammers with rambunctiously striking stomps that pummels with battering ferocity; "Bloodmoon Ascendant", harmonizes hybrid dimensions of brutally gruesome lacerations that shreds with ripping roars & melodious pounding. While thumping with pulsating bass audibility from Violet Death, injecting infectiously driven blitzkreig while transistioned with rawly rough nastiness. Onto the 2nd EP now entitled: "A Crippling Crush"; 5 more slices of rumbling severity, "Human Plague" assaults eardrums into a momentously sharp remedy that subjugates a whirlwind of stampeding onslaughts that's frenetically full of volatile style & trailblazing stability. "Misery Or Death" swamps with sludgy thrash systematics; slashing with snappy quirks that pierces through your soul like a combustible explosion tearing with mighty strength.

"Euthanized Filth" bombards speakers with extreme havoc, noisy pandemonium & uproarious terror - scattering with filthily bestial carnage, while smothered with throaty snarls that growl into a deep bulk of strong malice. "Devastation" is complete ruination; maximized with wretched skill, detailing blackened atmosphere & ghastly edges of frantic aggression. Overall concluding "A Crippling Crush" with the song: "Swine Fuck Oblivion"; I am compelled to say that DEPRAVER is a blackened deaththrashers wet dream, and they certainly outdone themselves with this one & I hope to see more of them in the future - a brilliant discovery that all metal maniacs should at least check out once, but I personally had a blast of a time replaying it - remarkably splendid & potentially talented stuff!

8 / 10









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"Suffering In The Coffin/A Crippling Crush" Track-listing:

A Crippling Crush
1. Human Plague
2. Misery or Death
3. Euthanized Filth
4. Devastation
5. Swine Fuck Oblivion

Suffering In The Coffin
1. Suffering in the Coffin
2. Cult of the Serpent
3. Faustian Apex
4. Bloodmoon Ascendant

Depraver Lineup:

Violet Death - Bass
The Sewagist - Drums
Rat Kicker - Vocals/Guitars
Bile - Vocals/Guitars/Trumpet

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