Through The Stars Into The Abyss
Demonic Temple
DEMONIC TEMPLE are a duo and they would consider themselves a black metal band and they are from the cities of Bogatynia and Dolnośląskie in the country of Poland. They would also describe themselves as 'one of the mightiest yet most-overlooked entities of the always-thriving Polish black metal scene'. The duo themselves are not familiar with their actual names but only by initials for the vocalist/drummer who is N.D. and the guitarist who is M simply those names are who they are. However this isn't quite relevant as their music is what we are focusing on now.
Their journey into the musical world was conjured by their first release which was a self-titled demo namely, DEMONIC TEMPLE released through Putrid Cult in March 2014 featuring 4 tracks altogether. Then in 2017, they came to release what was their debut release titled CHALICE OF NECTAR DARKNESS through the same record label as mentioned before and this was 7 tracks long. Closely followed was their next release INCREMENTUM the following year in 2018 and now they are back once more with another album, their third album titled THROUGH THE STARS INTO THE ABYSS.
Opening track is "Nox/Intro" which is a gradual crescendo of high end guitar along with what sounds like a whirlwind of black metal soundscape sound effects before drums erodes through with mass hysteria. But this is also the start of the second track which is "Through The Stars Into The Abyss" going incredibly crazy and probably gets so discombobulating as it is so raw, terrifying and satanic beyond anything I have heard. The vocals do sound evil, masonic and engrossing as well as the other instruments, drums creating a vast doom but very black metal template for all hell to break loose.
It is safe to say that the commitment and intensity of this album is brought out in this second track as it continues to explode and crash with drum hits not interrupting so much as vocals or guitar carry on as if drums weren't there. Vocals do also get louder later on and I am unsure as to what is being said but I would say I am very impressed with the guitar solo before the end, as it is stretched out beyond comprehension. The third track "Night Of Everlasting Fire" is a continuation of what we know so well.
We are delivered with more drumming than before maybe and there seems to be more of a presence of guitar and vocals together as they blend into each other, shrieking as before. Drums perhaps keep this stomping and hard hitting thrash beat which is clearer than before. In a way we can hear that drums or guitar almost swallows up the vocals and spits them out, as the vocals come and go throughout the track. Once again towards the end we hear that solo guitar sound I noticed in the previous track.
So onto the fourth track which is "Secret Temple Of Invisible Light" which starts with light cymbal hits, guitar revolving as ever and vocals is more absent this time so there is less of vocals at first. But then there is an almighty scream of vocals and drums supporting the vocal line well with wild solo work, worthy of high appraisal. We are very much in the middle of a chaotic audio disturbance and forces of darkness are at work so be aware of how dark or somber vocals can get, the black metal and metallic strikes of drums topped off by twisted guitar tuning.
Finally we are at the end of what is the band's third release now since their debut album in 2017, the final track of this album is "Proclaiming The Truth Of The Other Side" opening with soundscape of the black metal kind, which is how the previous track ended so it is an interesting start to the last track. Drums become more of the beat counter at first and then becomes more trashy and blackened down with the cymbal bells together with erupting guitar plus jaw dropping vocals. The sheer cry and devastating doom of it all and the atmosphere we are enveloped in is all but too much at times, so much grief, despair and exhausting fumes of menacing gasps. Overall very monotonous, the guitar stood out more and the soundscape effects were very creative.
7 / 10
"Through The Stars Into The Abyss" Track-listing:
1. Nox/Intro
2. Through The Stars Into The Abyss
3. Night Of Everlasting Fire
4. Secret Temple Of Invisible Light
5. Proclaiming The Truth Of The Other Side
Demonic Temple Lineup:
N.D. - Vocals and Drums
M. - Guitars
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