World Of Horror
Demonic Manifestation
May 14, 2015

The guys in Colima, Mexico's DEMONIC MANIFESTATION have no time for pansy lullaby bullshit. They are out to fuck shit up, old-school style with their debut full-length album "World Of Horror" and what a horror it is. This album has a style that feels like a throwback to the Swedish Death Metal scene of the 90's (with vilely-themed song titles). Need some reference to the time period? Think: instrument tracks of ENTOMBED, NECROPHOBIC, DISMEMBER with the vocals of a laryngitis-stricken Nathan Explosion.
This twisted collection of grinding, gritty Death Metal tracks have all the speed, technicality, and heaviness you would expect from a band with those previously-mentioned influences. They mercilessly splatter the listener's brains across the room and provide the soundtrack to any dark murder scene with the flickering light bulb.
As good as the music is, I was not as big a fan of the finished sound. I kept feeling like I was listening to the music through headphones that were about three feet away. There is virtually no bass present with the equalizer set at maximum bass, and it serves to give off a recessed effect. Granted, their music is styled after other bands who perhaps have a similar sound, so in that sense they accomplished what they may have wanted to do with the production.
The album starts off with some Slayer-esque guitar wailing like the ending of "Reign In Blood" on "Primordial Domination" which then goes straight into that in-your-face Death Metal approach and maintains the energy on all ten tracks. It is hard to argue that these guys are untalented, especially in the fact that they execute their respective instruments with great skill and accuracy. Despite the album production being less than stellar, I am still impressed with the music and can tell that DEMONIC MANIFESTATION put in a lot of effort into "World Of Horror." Any fan of 90's Death Metal will find a lot to like!<
6 / 10
Had Potential

"World Of Horror" Track-listing:
1. Primordial Domination
2. Demonic Possession
3. Graveyard Rites
4. Corrosive Humanity
5. Manipulation Of Flesh
6. Crematory
7. The Tomb Is Open
8. Zombiechrist
9. Purified By The Flames Of Hell
10. Funeral Fuck
Demonic Manifestation Lineup:
Felipe Gonzalez - Drums
Victor Mercado - Guitars / Vocals
Cesar Garcia - Bass
Enqrique Martinez - Guitars
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