Grind Over Matter


DEFLESHED is a Sweden Thrash/Death Metal experienced band which after a break of seventeen years […]
By Bruno Diniz
December 27, 2022
Defleshed - Grind Over Matter album cover

DEFLESHED is a Sweden Thrash/Death Metal experienced band which after a break of seventeen years arrives its sixth Full-length-album in october this year. The album was tracked at Rorysound Studios, Uppsala, Sweden, with Lawrence Mackrory. In 2021 they got what they were asking for when the band's core lineup - guitarist Lars Löfven, drummer Matte Modin and bassist/vocalist Gustaf Jorde - got back together. "We just wanted to record a couple of songs to include in a vinyl box set," explains Jorde. "The songs turned out good and the process was satisfying so we decided to have a go on a Full-length, and that way they bring the fresh "Grind Over Matter", which has eleven tracks and just over thirty-four minutes. The production and quality of the audio are good, and everything fits in a satisfactory way.

"Bent Out of Shape" is the first song, and carries on the blast beats, guttural vocals, strong and fast guitars and everything else we can expect to be here and after we have "Grind over Matter" which seems more like a continuation of what had already been proposed on the first track.  The same can be said for "One Grave to Fit Them All" and "Heavy Haul" then we have a small variation on "Dear Devil" that have kind of off a different perspective, but even so, the main guitar riff remains the same for the listener experience, the fact that the songs are short is an indicative of a right path, but the impression that remains up to this point, is to be listening to the same track from the beginning with little chorus and intros Dear Devil. Like "Staring Blind" for example have a radio voice on intro, and then go back to we ever had listen before aside lyrics. Things will continue like it till the very last song "Last Nail in the Coffin" except for the "Last Nail in the Coffin" that brings some "new" stuff mainly on the drums that makes it the highlight here. For me, "Grind Over Matter" even not being a masterpiece, worth to be checked, it's a fair album, especially for Trash Metal fans.

6 / 10

Had Potential








"Grind Over Matter" Track-listing:

1. Bent Out of Shape
2. Grind over Matter
3. One Grave to Fit Them All
4. Heavy Haul
5. Dear Devil
6. Staring Blind
7. Blood Well Spent
8. Unburdened by Genius
9. Behind Dead Eyes
10. Blastbeast
11. Last Nail in the Coffin

Defleshed Lineup:

Gustaf Jorde - Vocals/Bass
Lars Löfven - Guitars
Matte Modin - Drums

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