The Powers Of Alcohol


This must be some kind of joke. I just can't listen to this album without […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
October 2, 2008
Dechrist - The Powers Of Alcohol album cover

This must be some kind of joke. I just can't listen to this album without laughing my ass out so I just want to warn you that this is going to be a really short review.

The band is consisted of Maerk Asselin and Martin Maurais, the ex drummer of the well known Canadian death metallers KATAKLYSM. As the band's bio says, this recording was not finished until 2008, when Asselin decided to finish it and release it.

I don't even know if this is considered to be an album, a demo, an EP or whatever it is. The fact is that this is one of the worst CD's I have ever listened to and I guess that this must be some kind of a joke. Hyper fast brutal music with not even a suspicion of melody and structure in the songs, shitty vocals...

Ok, I won't spend more time on this review and don't spend your precious time reading it or searching about this band. I don't even know if I should rate this thing!

"The Powers Of Alcohol" Track-listing:

Obsessed On Corrupt Alcohol
The Korsakov Psychose
Varnish Remover For Adept
Strong Drugs On Strong Men

Dechrist Lineup:

Maerk Asselin - Vocals, Guitar, Bass
Martin Maurais - Drums

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