One To Conquer


DECAYING are a Finnish death-metal band hailing from Helsinki. DECAYING have just released their latest […]
By Chelsea Jennings
January 18, 2015
Decaying - One To Conquer album cover

DECAYING are a Finnish death-metal band hailing from Helsinki. DECAYING have just released their latest album titled "One To Conquer" as of November of 2014. The new album seems very unique in taking an interesting combination of historical events and combining those ideas with general song with lyrics about what war does to humanity. "One To Conquer" is a unique blend of historical fact and lyrics of war. The title "One To Conquer" clearly suggests references to war and conflict, however, a deeper look into the album reveals an intelligent concept of history behind the release.

Tracks such as "The Fall of Saigon", "The 38th Parallel", and "Ho Chi Minh Trail" include historical references to the Vietnam and Korean wars. At the same tracks such as "Zero Hour" or "The Balance of Power" talk about why war is necessary in the first place. Humans come from a history of war, and the reasons for such acts of violence seem well-covered in this album. People need to balance power between countries, set new boarders, obtain independence, and live the lives they feel they should be living. Sometimes to do that war is the answer to settling conflicts.

DECAYING match the mood of the historical events, as well as the ideas of war being an inevitable part of human life well by including a dark, heavy sound on their latest album. The driving drumbeats and the massive guitar solos along with low, groveling, "unclean" vocals set the mood as an obvious death-metal release, while setting a grim mood for the of the events occurring throughout the entire album.

The entire sound combined with the historical war content work well together to create a brilliant concept album for the latest DECAYING release. The mood of a grim future after a war, along with the loss of life and the problems it causes are painted fully. It's clear that these wars in our past such as Korea and Vietnam have cost humanity devastating prices, and wars in the future are sure not to be much different. It's not something most humans want to see, however its part of life, and we are going to likely see war as long as humans exist on this earth.

8 / 10


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"One To Conquer" Track-listing:

1. Frequent Wind
2. The Fall Of Saigon
3. Zero Hour
4. One To Conquer
5. The 38th Parallel
6. The Balance of Power
7. Iron Curtain
8. Ho Chi Minh Trail

Decaying Lineup:

Matias Nastolin - Vocals
Henri Hirovonen - Guitars
Sebastian Bergmen - Bass
Benjamin Lahdenpaa - Drums

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