

72 years ago, on the 12th day of March 1940 Finland and Soviet Union signed […]
By Vagelis "Vagelan" Tiflopoulos
March 15, 2012
Decaying - Encirclement album cover

72 years ago, on the 12th day of March 1940 Finland and Soviet Union signed the Moscow Peace Treaty. A day after, on the 13th, the Winter War came to an end. Initially the Soviet leadership estimated that Finland would be captured in less than two weeks, but instead the war lasted 105 days and Finland managed to remain independent...

DECAYING is a Death Metal band with Doom influences was formed during the summer 2010 in Helsinki, Finland by Matias Nastolin and Olli Suurmunne. Guitarist Otso Polenius replaced Olli "Otu" Suurmunne in start of May 2011 and then Otso Polenius was replaced by Henri Hirvonen in the beginning of July 2011. After two demos "New Order" and "The Annihilator" the band released its first full length album "Devastate" (an album consisting of the first two demos). On the contrary with their first album, "Encirclement" has less Doom influences. It is more an authentic war-themed Death Metal album with a layer of BOLT THROWER and HAIL OF BULLETS.

After an instrumental intro DECAYING started the WAR! Each track was antagonistic and powerful as they bombarded my ears with explosive and devastating riffs and intensity. The solos were similarly well crafted, more thematic than frenetic, with nary a note out of place. Matias Nastolin screamed with rage and rot played guitars, bass I think that if he had another hand he could played the drums also! Awesome man! Henri Hirvonen was riffing like a beast and Benjam Lahdenpää, as a leader, guide the soldiers to the war with his cymbals. I wouldn't like to have these guys as enemies! It's very difficult to me to choose any song because each one was a part of an endless music battle...a bullet that knew the way to kill any kindness of this world and guided it to destruction!

DECAYING is proving itself to be an ambitious young act, and as "Encirclement" attests, an eminently talented one as well. If you like a little armed conflict with your Death Metal, "Encirclement" is essential listening.

7 / 10


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"Encirclement" Track-listing:

1. Initiation
2. Operation Citadel
3. From The Cradle To The Grave
4. Artillery Barrage
5. Battle Of The Somme
6. Conclusion
7. On The Path Of Subjugation
8. The Hell Of Verdun
9. Public Enlightenment
10. The Rising Sun 

Decaying Lineup:

Matias Nastolin - Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Henri Hirvonen - Guitars
Benjam Lahdenpää - Drums

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