Towards the Gates Of North
Debauchery VS Blood God
August 30, 2016

These are two bands fronted by the self-proclaimed Bloodbeast, Thomas Gurrath! These are two versions of each song in two different styles. Thomas Gurrath is very well regarded in the video game industry as he does a lot of music for the Warhammer games. I am not a fan of those games but they have a rabid fanbase. So this will be a comparison based review, comparing each version of the song.
''Heavy Metal Monsternaut'' : The first version is very straightforward NWOBHM with some harsh vocals, not death metal but something along the lines of AMON AMARTH or even LORDI. The second version is a bit faster and has dual vocals with a rather high pitch in the voice.
''Murdermaker'': Like the previous song, it sounds like good old NWOBHM (think JUDAS PRIEST Painkiller era) with a some harsh vocals that are reminiscent of ARCH ENEMY. The second version is a bit more stripped down, longer solos that the previous version with a singer that sounds a bit like Bobby Elsworth from OVERKILL.
''Thunderbeast'': The vocals on the first version are harsher than the other songs and you have trouble discerning most of the lyrics. He forces his voice a bit too much and yes, it does still sound like some great NWOBHM. The second version sounds much better, the sound is much clearer and the vocals do fit way more, the higher pitch sounds so damn good with the rest of the song.
''Vampire Holocaust'': The first version sounds like some old AC/DC song with Death Metal vocals, it's a nice contrast and he does not force his voice too much thankfully! The second version has those higher vocals, he actually does try to sound like Bon Scott mixed with the aforementioned Bobby Elsworth!
''City of Bones'': The first version has vocals that kind of drown the rest of the instruments. It sounds like some classic hard rock but the vocals are way too loud for the rest of the song. The second version is much better in my honest opinion, the vocals don't overlap with the rest and at least you can hear the rest of the instruments.
''Crusaders of God'': The first version might the fastest song of the album. There is a mix of European Power Metal with classic Hard Rock. Like the previous song, the vocals are way too loud and drown the rest of the instruments. The second version has actually a better production and the vocals do fit really well with the tone of the song. The higher pitch adds a lot of depth to the song.
''Super Killer Death Match'': The first version reminded me of good vintage SAXON but with the very harsh vocals. It's a very enjoyable song. As for the second version, even though the pitch is higher, I thought the Death Metal vocals actually gelled more that the classic NWOBHM vocals!
''Firethrone Overlord'': The first version sounded a bit like early 90's SCORPIONS but with the aforementioned harsh vocals. The vocals don't fit that well with the rest of the song and you have trouble hearing what he screams. The second version is much better and the higher vocals just add so much depth to the song.
''Bullet to the Head'': This sounded straight from the 80's, like good old Classic Rock. Unfortunately the harsh vocals ruined the whole song for me. Thankfully the second version was on point and one of the best songs of the second cd.
''Devil Dog'': Another song that sounded straight out of the 80's. The music is excellent but the vocals just don't fit at all. Unfortunately it happens a lot on this double cd release that the harsh vocals just don't mix and match very well with the rest of the music. The second version is a bit more rockin' and the vocalist belts out his pipes!
''Second Hand Woman'': A classic Hard Rock tune (with some killer guitar riffs) reminiscent of early BON JOVI or DEF LEPPARD but with those damn harsh vocals that really ruin the whole vibe. The second version has those great screeching vocals and higher pitch and fits seamlessly with the rest of the instruments.
''Girl to Adore'': Probably the fun song on the album, a very high energy song. Both versions have their good points. Even though I have hated most of the harsh vocals on the first cd, I thought this actually pretty good. The second version is on point as well and it's a pretty rocking anthem as well.
''Super Hot Vampire Lady'': Same old same old, vocals drown everything out and the second version sounds like something from the early 90's from like WHITE ZOMBIE.
''Anti-Hero'': A lackluster way to end the album, probably the weakest song on both cds. No originality whatsoever.
Where does he get his song titles from, from ROB ZOMBIE's recycling bin? The titles of the song are so lame in my honest opinion. The production is unfortunately not very good and most of the songs sound a lot like each other. It's a pretty disappointing release.
5 / 10

"Towards the Gates Of North" Track-listing:
CD1: Debauchery (Monster Voice):
1. Heavy Metal Monsternaut
2. Murdermaker
3. Thunderbeast
4. Vampire Holocaust
5. City Of Bones
6. Crusaders Of God
7. Super Killer Death Match
8. Firethrone Overlord
9. Bullet To The Head
10. Devil Dog
11. Second Hand Woman
12. Girl To Adore
13. Super Hot Vampire Lady
14. Anti-Hero
CD2: Blood God (Demon Screeching):
1. Crusaders Of God
2. Bullet To The Head
3. City Of Bones
4. Vampire Holocaust
5. Girl To Adore
6. Super Hot Vampire Lady
7. Devil Dog
8. Super Killer Death Match
9. Anti-Hero
10. Second Hand Woman
11. Firethrone Overlord
12. Murdermaker
13. Heavy Metal Monsternaut
14. Thunderbeast
Debauchery VS Blood God Lineup:
Mr. Debauchery - Bass, Guitars, Vocals
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