Shadowlands of Darkness


Deathswarm is a Death Metal band from Sweden and "Shadowlands of Darkness," is their debut […]
By Justin "Witty City' Wittenmeier
March 18, 2019
Deathswarm - Shadowands of Darkness album cover

Deathswarm is a Death Metal band from Sweden and "Shadowlands of Darkness," is their debut album, after forming in 2017.  Three of the members are from SARCASM so there is some veteran work behind this album, which explains why it is such a strong debut. Eriksson, Haag, and Gelotte must had shredded their fingers into pieces when they recorded this, such is the unbridled fury of the riffs.  The guitars and bass have that Old School Swedish Death Metal groove and the searing edge that goes along with that style.  From track to track, one riff leads to another in a forward momentum that constantly ranks of up the intensity.

"Let the Flames Devour," did indeed set me ablaze, riffs so frenzied, their notes created friction between my brain and ear drum.  Much like BOLT THROWER, the guitars are built around the idea that being brutal doesn't mean you have to sacrifice song writing skills—memorability and versatility are part of their song writing craft.  Around the halfway mark, Bozarslan's deep, deep growls throw out a monstrous roar, leading the charge for the guitars to burn it all to the ground.  A rager of a track. "When Young Souls Are Dragged to Hell," slows the temp down a bit but the band loses none of the intensity.  Actually, the rumble of riffs played at this slower speed actually just makes the band even more ferocious; Svanero's sweltering drums that are intense and complimentary technique of filling up the space in between go along way in firming up the song's atmosphere.

"No More Life Six Feet Above," is a short track that changes things up a bit with a clean intro, elements that show up again towards the end of the song.  Among all this is a track of uncompromising brutal Death Metal, a track that includes what it needs to and nothing more. The band is at their best when they mix up speeds, such as on "Perished In The Chambers of Repentance," that has whirlwind guitar solos, insane drums, and speedy riffs that find their way perfectly to a slower mid section highlighted by lead guitar work. One of my favorites is the last track, "We Fade Away At Dawn."  I found the atmosphere to be incredibly creepy and evil, the mood built up by those goddamn amazing riffs that are dirges to darkness and the vocals that threaten to evoke ancient evil.  The whole song is just one movement of caustic destruction, a perfect way to end the album.

DEATHSWARM have released a debut that promises nothing but great things for the band upon the horizon—a lot of great Death Metal has already been released this year and "Shadowlands of Darkness," deserves a spot among it.

8 / 10









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"Shadowlands of Darkness" Track-listing:

1. Let The Flames Devour
2. Their Weapons Pierced Deep
3. When Young Souls Are Dragged To Hell
4. Throne of a Morbid God
5. The Great Execution in Emerald City
6. No More Life Six Feet Above
7. Tomb of the Universe
8. Perished in the Chambers of Repentance
9. We Fade Away at Dawn

Deathswarm Lineup:

Nicklas Gelotte - Bass
Anders Eriksson - Guitars
Johan Haag - Guitars
Heval Bozarslan - Vocals
Alvaro Svanero - Drums

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