Forward Into Oblivion


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: DEATHSWARM; signed via FDA Records, […]
By Craig Rider
April 21, 2021
Deathswarm - Forward Into Oblivion album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: DEATHSWARM; signed via FDA Records, hailing from Swedish grounds - performing Death Metal, on their sophomore album entitled: "Forward Into Oblivion" (released April 16th, 2021).

Since formation in 2017; the quintet in question have only 2 albums in their discography so far, "Shadowlands Of Darkness" (released February 18th, 2019) and this here second album entitled: "Forward Into Oblivion" of which I am introduced to. 9 tracks ranging at around 41:41 - DEATHSWARM arrange an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Death Metal developments.

Opening up with a gnarly barrage of trailblazing distortion, concretely gritty firepower and a filthy slab of some solid rompiness; "We Still Burn" belts a blistering calamity on savagely sinister snares that rumbles with reverberating pulsations. Thudding with sulfurous yet rawly rough sturdiness, swampy remedies rollick with monstrously meaty executions as a borderline foundation in choppy bruisers compile killer laceration & volatile rampancy that strikes with veracious slayings that will rattle your skull with full force impact. Snarly rhythms riff with scything velocity, tempestuously skyrocketing with scouring maliciousness while these towering grinds grovel with persistent clobbering. Drilling a chiselling fabrication that manifests with mountainous vehemence, while punchy jumpiness swamps speakers with sludgy perseverance. The sound production is a grizzly behemoth, elementing a deadly intensity that will make you want to break chairs over other chairs in no time.

Consisting of Heval Bozarslan on vocals; the frontman excels at a deep, guttural growl of throaty & raspy yells that bark and howl with this ferociously foreboding authority. Vicious shouts roar with soaring bellows in which shriek with mighty wrath, "Deus Ex Nihilo'' wallops your soul with swerving techniques; as guitar duo Johan Haag & Anders Eriksson both fret a hefty hybrid in experimental hooks as a battering rampage stampedes with pummelling ramifications. Extreme anguish immensely evolves with pounding melody, crushing eardrums and breaking necks with potently flamboyant dexterity. Dynamic attributes examines slashy vibrancy, organically providing a healthy rift on some quintessential virtuosity & ruthless pandemonium that your neck would be most thankful for.

"Army Of Shadows" conjures up more ominously jarring pursuits, snappy quakes tread with amplified adrenaline & symbolic systematics that surge with galloping chugs from powerhouse slammer Alvaro Svanerö who stomps the set with steely & rambunctious precision. Hammering into a pile driving groundbreak of momentous yet  motoring tempos and exhilarating but relentless robustness that profusely slabs this solid foundry in feverish desolation while significantly resonating with barbaric brutality, which never seems to slow down at all. "The Eating Blood" chops flesh into a bleeding frenzy of wildly rushing synergy; audible bassist Nicklas Gelotte injects an infectiously venomous thump on some versatile maelstrom stability, scourging with dark crescendos create a haunting but eerie passage until an aggressively baneful array of pipes rage with meticulously malevolent grit as "Unshackle The Jackal" unleashes this evil empowering groove bomb that will possess your satanic presence with diabolically foul yet salubriously sinister zest.

"Unblessed Be Catharsis" outbursts with more primitively raw roughness, revving with outrageous yet radically wicked profanity and a blasphemy contortion on chunkiness on which mightily forges heated bludgeonings that will bombard eardrums with malicious malformations that transform you into a berserking madman. While "In The Wells They Await" articulates a bulldozing attribute in crushing chaos and a brimming but tenacious tribulation on sonically seamless mayhem, merging fuzzy heft with weighty tightness to boot. Elsewhere, the penultimate track "Where Death Is Recrowned" has a blackened melodic section, transcending towards more bestial brutality. Total noise terror transitions thereafter with dark embrace, as agonizing but cavernous hurls oscillate with this revolving piercing of tonality & thick strums.

Overall concluding "Forward Into Oblivion" with the finale epic: "The Poet And The Meat Cleaver" dashes with more trembling judder, engaging drums one-two pound until fierce chunkiness implodes with veracious velocity & catchy density as a ferocious tremor supplies ponderous yet volatile distinguishments fluidly. Bottom line; I am compelled to say that DEATHSWARM certainly delivered a deathly taste of some unique but distinctive Death Metal atrocities in which will revel through your body as they provide with a flexible fundamental in ambitiously exuberant yet pugnacious songwriting musicianship qualities that will make you want to replay this one a good handful of times. Enthusiasts of this sub-genre would be a fool to pass this one up, most surely one to definitely give a listen as it could be a Death Metal contender for album of the year. What a blast it was! March into oblivion, and check this beast out, now.


10 / 10









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"Forward Into Oblivion" Track-listing:

1. We Still Burn
2. Unshackle The Jackal
3. Where Death Is Recrowned
4. Army of Shadows
5. Unblessed Be Catharsis
6. The Poet And The Meat Cleaver
7. Deus Ex Nihilo
8. The Eating Blood
9. In The Wells They Await

Deathswarm Lineup:

Nicklas Gelotte - Bass
Alvaro Svanerö - Drums
Anders Eriksson - Guitars
Johan Haag - Guitars
Heval Bozarslan - Vocals

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