Everything Destroys You


Sweden's DEATHSTARS released their latest full-length album under Nuclear Blast Records this past May since […]
By Lesley-Ann Ang
July 12, 2023
Deathstars - Everything Destroys You album cover

Sweden's DEATHSTARS released their latest full-length album under Nuclear Blast Records this past May since their last drop back in 2014. This album was originally set to be released back in 2020, but due to the pandemic, production was postponed in order to deliver an album worth waiting for. DEATHSTARS has been labeled as Industrial Metal and Gothic Metal, citing titans like KISS and THE KOVENANT as inspiration. The band has been active since 2000. The release of "Everything Destroys You" marks the longest gap between album releases.

DEATHSTARS dawns the classic Metal look and maintains a classic Gothic Metal sound. Their sound is far more melodic than many newer groups that come out, and rings familiar to that of MARILYN MANSON or the dark romantic quality of THE CURE. This particular sound I feel is difficult to come across with the expansion of subgenres, so hearing the opening track "This Is" already feels nostalgic. Long time fans of DEATHSTARS know that despite the years going by, they still manage to create tracks that sound distinct and remain familiar. Andreas Bergh's vocal style is perfect for this kind of melancholic rhythm, complimented by backing voals by Jonas Kangur. This will definitely appeal to those who still listen to the metal greats, but it can easily be adopted into today's scene. Since 2023 seems to be the year of "great resurrections" in music, DEATHSTARS fits right in. The break they took during the pandemic to perfect this album has paid off, and it carries on their legacy. With tracks like "Midnight Party" - my favorite off the album - and "Between Volumes and Voids," it's so easy to fall in love with their entire discography. The gothic romance aspect of DEATHSTARS will continuously make me think of vampire novels and noir films in the best way possible. With the rise of "#booktok" and dark romance novels, novice authors and content creators should take inspiration.

DEATHSTARS is rising from their brief pause with an album full of binge-worthy tracks. It isn't easy for longer running bands to maintain their relevance, but when a band stays true to their sound, fans will always come running. They've proven that industrial metal never goes out of style with the right execution. DEATHSTARS' popularity in Europe has not ceased, and they continue to perform in states across the country. Their high energy continues to rile up crowds and keep the scene fiery. 

10 / 10









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"Everything Destroys You" Track-listing:

1. This Is
2. Midnight Party
3. Anti All
4. Everything Destroys You - Everything Destroys You
5. Between Volumes and Voids
6. An Atomic Prayer
7. Blood for Miles
8. The Churches of Oil
9. The Infrahuman Masterpiece
10. Angel of Future and Crime

Deathstars Lineup:

Emil "Nightmare Industries" Nödtveidt - Guitar/Keyboard
Andreas "Whiplasher Bernadotte" Bergh - Lead Vocal
Jonas "Skinny Disco" Kangur - Bass/Vocals
Eric "Cat Casino" Bäckman - Guitar
Marcus "Nitro" Johansson - Drums

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