Truth And Ruin

Dead Quiet

A band that can bring together all that is best of various subgenres is, without […]
By Will Travers
October 17, 2020
Dead Quiet - Truth And Ruin album cover

A band that can bring together all that is best of various subgenres is, without fail, always eye catching. Today I have the pleasure of coming into first contact with DEAD QUIET. The young(ish) outfit has been making waves in their home and native land of Canada. However, with their newest release, "Truth And Ruin" I am sure the guys are looking to expand their reach. The album artwork is subtly busy. With everything from storms to sea creatures. The artful and delightful cover will be a great addition to any music fan's collection.

Opening the album is "Atoned Death". Instantly, the Doom influences are clear. But these are not death and despair Doomers, no, they hark back with Sabbath style motifs and an interesting fusion of styles that I hope to see continue throughout. "Forever Unsung" opens with a statement like vocal section before throwing us back into the smooth melodies and harmonies that are quickly becoming synonymous with DEAD QUIET. I would like to point out, however, that perfectly complimenting the absolutely divine vocals of Kevin Keegan are instrumental breaks that show a vast range of musical knowledge and depth that just pushes this release higher and higher in my view.

"Of Sound And Fury" slows the pace a little bit with a more steadfast and deliberate pace that feels safe and secure. This was a nice change of pace that allowed me as a listener to just sit back and relax a little bit after being so compelled to throw myself around the living room. Please note, mosh pits not included with purchase of this CD. Let's reflect on a certain term I love to throw around, depth. It is such an important aspect of music to me, the little subtleties that bring a track from being good to being an unmitigated and resounding success. If you want the purest example of depth, turn your attention to the titular track "Truth And Ruin". The track starts stripped back and continues to add layers, strip its self-back and build again. It is an absolutely outstanding demonstration of excellent music.

The tracking of the album continues to build through "Partial Darkness" and "The Sign Of A Sealed Face" and into a rip-roaring final track "Cold Grey Death". This is a culmination of everything that DEAD QUIET has developed through the album and it shows. The 9-minute epic brings every element, trick, style together to this grand finale.

Overall, this was a fantastic album, elements of Blues, Doom and Prog come to the fore in this delightful blend. Fans of music come forward and be counted, DEAD QUIET are waiting and you will not be disappointed.

10 / 10









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"Truth And Ruin" Track-listing:

1. Atoned Deaf
2. Forever Unsung
3. Of Sound And Fury
4. Truth And Ruin
5. Partial Darkness
6. The Sign Of A Sealed Fate
7. Cold Grey Death

Dead Quiet Lineup:

Kevin Keegan - Guitars/Vocals
Brock Macinnes - Guitars
Mike Grossnickle - Bass
Justin Hagberg - Keyboard
Jason Dana - Drums

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