Echoes In The Ruins

Dead In The Water

Ok, I just have to calm down. What if this album comes from Firebox and […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
July 15, 2007
Dead In The Water - Echoes In The Ruins album cover

Ok, I just have to calm down. What if this album comes from Firebox and its title is Echoes... In The Ruins? What's the big deal? I am just suspicious thinking that it will be a whiny Doom/Death Metal band with lyrics having to do with death and how miserable life is. I will have to listen to the album first and then judge. Ok, here it goes. Please God help me.

DEAD IN THE WATER is a Finnish act (I think you already realized that by the members' names), which was formed in 2000. Even though they were a Hardcore band earlier, they soon changed their style into a more Doom/Death Metal outfit (that's what their bio says, I don't want to believe until I listen to the album). They have released two EP's until now, both through Thrash And Burn. As it seems, this is their debut album and Firebox is the label to release it.

So, when I started to listening to the album I had to face the harsh truth. This album is exactly what I expected it to be, a whiny Doom/Death Metal album full of slower than a replay tempo and endless intros. I mean I had to bare boring and endless intros just to listen to the main part of the songs, which was equally boring! Are there really people who listen to this music? Heavy riffs, a decent rhythm section and a wannabe Black/Death Metal voice are the ingredients of this recipe. I swear to God (Phil Anselmo) that if this album was a kind of food I wouldn't even touch it!

So, here's the deal. If your family just got killed by some lunatic, your house got burned down and the love of your life is gay, this album will definitely be a good companion to you.

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Echoes In The Ruins" Track-listing:

The Silent Will Carry On
Darken The Skies
In Disguises
Emptiness Inside

Dead In The Water Lineup:

M. Lonnqvist - Vocals
P. Lehtinen - Guitar, Vocals
M. Maltari - Guitar
T. Eiskonen - Bass
R. Tynkkynen - Drums

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