Slave Driver

Dead Head

DEAD HEAD is a Thrash Metal Band from the Netherlands. "Slave Driver" is the group's […]
By Alex Barnard
April 12, 2022
Dead Head - Slave Driver album cover

DEAD HEAD is a Thrash Metal Band from the Netherlands. "Slave Driver" is the group's seventh full-length album, which will be released by Hammerheart Records on April 29, 2022.

There's a reason why Norwegian Black Metal bands of the second wave looked to European Thrash Metal bands like SODOM and KREATOR as the sources of their inspiration. In my opinion, these bands had a more decidedly evil vibe than (most of) their American counterparts. That Proto-Black Metal evil is very strong on this album. The chaotic riffs, the gruesome lyrics and the minimal yet still strong production says it all - DEAD HEAD are going straight for the jugular on this one.

Now, let's talk about the band. Ralph de Boer's voice is purely revolting, demonstrating clear influences from such greats as Tom Araya, Cronos of VENOM and the legendary Tom G. Warrior. His bass playing also deserve some commendations because it's not too complicated, but it gets the job done, especially on tracks like "Grooves of Envy." Ronnie van der Wey and Robbie Woning's riffs are positively brutal, incredibly dissonant, and devastatingly simple yet effective ("Drawn into the Wire"). And last but not least, Hans Spijker's drumming is absolutely phenomenal and machine-like, particularly on "Fear Scraper."

Other highlights from the track listing include "Acolyte," which is 100% pure adrenaline; "Frequency Illusion," with its SLAYER-esque grooves and incredible use of chromaticism; and "Horrors of Hades," which is a true adventure of an ending track.

Overall, DEAD HEAD have, in my opinion, not only out done themselves but the competition. This album is catchy yet brutal, with just enough evil that it doesn't feel campy. If you miss the days of "Pleasure to Kill"-era KREATOR, you can put aside your woes with this blistering instalment in DEAD HEAD's discography.

8 / 10









"Slave Driver" Track-listing:

1. Acolyte
2. Grim Side Valley
3. Frequency Illusion
4. Southfork
5. Drawn into the Wire
6. Polar Vortex
7. Grooves of Envy
8. Parabellum
9. Fear Scraper
10. Horrors of Hades

Dead Head Lineup:

Ralph de Boer - Vocals, Bass
Ronnie van der Wey - Guitar left
Robbie Woning - Guitar right
Hans Spijker - Drums

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