Pathways To Catharsis

Dead Emotions

Even though I must admit that I didn't know this band exists, this is the […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
September 7, 2008
Dead Emotions - Pathways To Catharsis album cover

Even though I must admit that I didn't know this band exists, this is the third album from death metallers DEAD EMOTIONS. Without letting any more valuable time to pass by, let's go on to see what's going on with this guys from Germany.

It all begun back in 1996. At that time, the band was playing Dark/Death Metal, as they say, and by playing in a number of shows they started becoming known in the underground local scene. That thing pushed them to self-release their first album in 1999. Four years later, and after signing their first contract, their second release was out. After touring a lot inside their borders with some big names of the scene, and with a new singer, it is time for their third hit.

To tell you the truth, this is my first contact with any of the material of the band. The only older song I managed to listen is the one they have at their MySpace page. As for Pathways To Catharsis, the album is a Death Metal release, with some technical parts and some thrashy riffs. The compositions seem well worked out and the final result is giving the impression that the members of the band are doing well together. The guitars are heavy and some melodic lead passes exist. But, unfortunately for them, there are some week parts, too. Firstly, after listening to the album for some times, Mosh's growls are beginning to sound a bit boring, since he is quite monotonous. The backing vocals saves the day most of the times, but I believe that he has to improve. Secondly, I think that they should have a better production. Sometimes the guitars and the vocals are burying some nice ideas of the rhythm section and the guitars are, from time to time, overloaded and sound dull.

Overall, this is a descent Death Metal album from those four guys. But I believe that they have room for improvement in some parts in order to do a big step forward. This is their third release, so - for me - they should have made something better than just a nice album. It's an album that if you like thrashy riffs combined with Death Metal and have the chance to listen to it give it a chance. If not, let's just wait and see their next one. And it's going to be their last chance as far as I'm concerned.

There Is No Dawn

5 / 10


"Pathways To Catharsis" Track-listing:

Paradise Is Hell
Demon Seed
Point Of No Return
There Is No Dawn
Weed For The Weak
Direction Pain
Ways Of Self Destruction
At The End Of Time

Dead Emotions Lineup:

Hell-Mut  - Drums
Markus - Guitar
Max - Guitar
Gorbi - Bass
Mosh - Vocals

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