Split 'Em All

De Waonzin & Nuestros Derechos

What the hell could these names mean? Not that we should care that much, since […]
By Grigoris Chronis
April 23, 2006

What the hell could these names mean? Not that we should care that much, since the work in this fine split CD is what counts, but it's just a matter of curiosity. Anyway, I love split albums (vinyl or CD) since these kinds of releases have to do with the bands' friendship plus the urge to release material as soon as possible (referring to the early years of a band). By the way, who's the proud owner of the original Sepultura/Overdose (1985, Cogumelo, BR) split album?
Both De Waonzin and Nuestros Derechos come from Holland and focus on a mix of classic Thrash Metal and basic Core elements. The album's title brings - of course - the legendary 1983 (ex-Metal band) Metallica debut to mind (...We'll never stop, we'll never quit, 'cause we 're Metallicaaaa... - My ass!!!). Due to lack of info on both bands' histories, a few things can be mentioned on their musical creations:
De Waonzin: Impressive rhythm guitar themes, under furious rhythm section tempos. The pay tribute to the American Thrash Metal scene, but also seem willing to express their Hardcore needs. I did not like the vocal harmonies that much, but it's a fact that they suit well into the instrumental work. Not to forget, it was various moments that the Maiden-influenced leads teased my ears. Overall, high energy from a sextet(!) it'd be great to get drunk with...
Nuestros Derechos: In the same vain as De Waonzin, you won't notice the difference until you focus on the songwriting approach. The band stands a little bit more on the Metalcore side, with sufficient aggression backed by mad grooves. I loved the D.I.Y. track due to its solid base, but - in general - they seem to be more dedicated to the neo-Thrashcore movemet that I do not find very friendly for my ears.
This split CD is released in a limited quantity of 500 copies. For lovers of this kinda sound - and supporters of bands like Sick Of It All, Dillinger Escape Plan, The Haunted etc - this is an interesting release; let aside the fact that - as pre-mentioned - split releases are 100% 'sincere' in terms of musical originality. You choose.

7 / 10


"Split 'Em All" Track-listing:

AO Godverdomme (De Waonzin)
Borderline (De Waonzin)
Among The Enemy (De Waonzin)
Lords Of Desruction (De Waonzin)
Hellspawn (Nuestros Derechos)
D.I.Y. (Nuestros Derechos)
De Strop (Nuestros Derechos)
Erase Me (Nuestros Derechos)

De Waonzin & Nuestros Derechos Lineup:

De Waonzin:
Joeri - Vocals
Michiel - Vocals
Wouter - Guitar
Chris - Guitar
Pepijn - Bass
Allard - Drums

Nuestros Derechos:
Jerry Derechos - Vocals & Guitars
Juan Guillermo Derechos - Bass
Johnny Derechos - Drums

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