

I was mostly impressed with the care and attention that Shayley put into this album. The personal touch is unabashedly his, and he doesn’t care what critics may think about it or how genre purists might label it. Arden enough for most Metalheads, but also melodic and catchy, in a nutshell, it’s just damn good music.
December 10, 2023

I was not able to gather much information about the band, but they did have a Facebook page. It’s a one-man project from former OF MICE AND MEN musician Shayley Bourget. This is his new band, and as far as I can tell, it’s a solo effort. The album has 10 songs, and “You Wish” is first. The opening tones are rich, deep, and chonky, and Shayley also has a way with working melody into his music. The extremes are quite far apart, and this is one of the ways that the sound works as well as it does. “Attitude” has a strong combination of electronic elements along with the traditional guitar work. At times, the sound is so accessible that it could be on the radio, and Shayley has an impressive diverse set of vocals.

“Give Me” begins with smooth and easy listening tones with a good deal of vocal harmonies. When you consider the vast breadth of Metal, this song barely enters the conversation, but that doesn't make it any less impactful. “The Reckoning” enters the opposite end of the spectrum, with weighted notes that drop like lead from the sky, all the while, melody still reigns supreme. Shayley has command over both. “Return of the Doc” is a catchy song with solid vocal harmonies and guitar work. Pay attention to the production on the album; it is quite clear and encompasses both the high treble ends and the low bass ones. “Miss you So” is very emotive and poignant, as the title suggests. It’s just what the album needed and at the right time as well.

“C’est La Vie” is a much heavier offering, with a chonky slab of guitar riffs and backing electronic sounds. The keyboards give it an outer world quality, but again, the main thread on the album still remains the melodies. “Play the Beast” closes the album, and it’s another winner. Smooth, round tones caress the listener and fill them with warmth. Overall, I was mostly impressed with the care and attention that Shayley put into this album. The personal touch is unabashedly his, and he doesn’t care what critics may think about it or how genre purists might label it. Ardent enough for most Metalheads, but also melodic and catchy, in a nutshell, it’s just damn good music.


9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Pegasus" Track-listing:

1. You Wish

2. Not Welcome

3. Attitude

4. Give Me

5. The Reckoning

6. Return of the Doc

7. Letting Go

8. Miss you So

9. C’est La Vie

10. Play the Beast


Dayshell Lineup:

Shayley Bourget


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