Das Rad
November 19, 2014

DAS RAD, the newish psychedelics of Rock from Toronto, has released a full length album, "Radiation" this September. The collective have added yet another abstract piece of art work which follows their three previous covers, expressing their music bluntly.
From their first track "Eye of Baal", a distorted spiral of sounds are bound together in a whirl of psychedelia, which soon progresses adding vocals and a hooking guitar riff. Twisting their first impressions up the track does take some time to sink in, as does the whole album. After three good listens, you finally got to grips with their old school style of sound. So don't pass it by on its first sight as I can assure you it's worth your time.
"Burial" has a real edge to it, dating back to classic psychedelic Rock music, the song is an instant winner. With the soft pinches of vocals that are made to sound tone downed, the track is infused with various flavors of all sorts that tingle your ear buds, packed with a beating guitar solo.
DAS RAD have a way with letting the instrumental tell a story rather than packing every song with vocals to fill up the silence, they have used their instruments as their own voice which is highlighted by the guitars. Progressing with the sound, "Sake of Sound" is an outstander right from the first note heard. Their ability to change their whole sound yet still trademark their music is mesmerizing, as this track is truly beautiful in every inch of vibration.
Drawing to a close on the album, the latter end of the songs are released with "Land of Nod" consist of no voices and simply sounds, it takes us to the last song "Radiator", which punches you back into line. Starting off with similar features as the opener track, this song echoes it vocals repetitively. Instead of ending, the pitch heights as the vocals are dominant for once, still being washed over by the lingering twists produced by the drums and guitars.
All in all, the album does prove to float perfectly with one another, as it's strong in sense and style. Not everyone's cup of tea, however it certainly does win you over in time.<
7 / 10

"Radiation" Track-listing:
1.Eye of Baal
3.Shit Magnet
6.Sake of Sound
8.Schwarz Blut
9.Land of Nod
Das Rad Lineup:
Allyn Norris
Dean Dallas Bentley
Ireek Sofakia
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