Darkspace II


Perhaps the best part was all of the layers that the band added, each one piling on top of the listener like another weight on your psyche, until you crack because you just can’t take it anymore. Take a journey to the places you never wanted to visit with “Darkspace II.”
February 3, 2024

DARKSPACE establishes contact with the earthlings yet again - an extensive aural manifestation materializes. Seemingly emerging out of the depths of a stellar-mass black hole, an otherworldly journey through the cosmos presents itself. With an icy-cold embrace and psychedelic conductance, the mysterious figures present “Dark Space –II,” a singular album of atmospheric black metal beyond human comprehension. Fractal electronic samples slice through layers of extraterrestrial drones, manifesting an immersive experience defying the boundaries of the conventional black metal genre. Vocal transmissions, like whispers from the outer reaches, seamlessly interwoven in the chilling mix, add a haunting dimension to the celestial configuration.

There is only one song, and it is 47 minutes long. Eerie spoken words lead off the song, as the backing atmosphere builds with a steady presence. Drum beats enter, and the electronica swells, followed by a riff, and tension increases. What is key throughout the introduction is how frightening the sounds are. It’s like a ride to the outer recesses of the universe, to places dark and unknown. As the main sound is established, tortured vocal screams come through like a beacon in the darkness. It is powerful, ominous, and harrowing, and it’s the layering that provides much of these elements. Approaching the half-way mark, the sound slowly drops again, back to more spoken word.

 The retreat doesn’t last long however, as much of the previous sound returns. The drum strikes sounds more like a hammer striking steel, and it gives the song a tortured quality. The music isn’t overly complicated, but is very effective at casting a scene of horror in the mind of the listener. Initially, I didn’t think that I had the patience to listen to a 47-minute long song. But this was excellent. Perhaps the best part was all of the layers that the band added, each one piling on top of the listener like another weight on your psyche, until you crack because you just can’t take it anymore. Take a journey to the places you never wanted to visit with “Darkspace II.”

8 / 10









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"Darkspace II" Track-listing:

1. 2.-2.


Darkspace Lineup:

Wroth – Guitars, Vocals

Zhaaral – Guitars, Vocals

Yhs – Bass


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