If You Only Knew

Darker Half

DARKER HALF are a Power/Thrash Metal band out of Sydney, Australia. This is their fourth […]
By Jean-François ''Jackal'' Poulin
March 28, 2020
Darker Half - If You Only Knew album cover

DARKER HALF are a Power/Thrash Metal band out of Sydney, Australia. This is their fourth full-length album and first release in over 4 years. They did release however an EP called ''Classified'' back in 2016.

I did read about the band before listening to anything. Well according to many they are still trying to find their groove, their style because most of their albums are quite diverse. Some people think they still don't know on which foot to stand and what genre they want to be in. This is a significant problem in a lot of modern bands, sometimes they try too hard and they get lost in the shuffle, nonetheless. They try to blend many styles in one and sometimes it works, sometimes it does.

The previous album called ''Never Surrender'' was more like a German Power Metal album so let's see how this pans out with the new release. This album is truly a step in the right direction. This is pretty much the natural progression of the band and you can surely see that they have found their sound. They have put aside the more Thrash Metal sound and they have built their bases on Melodic Power Metal. The singer is really really good and one of the best voices in Metal I have heard in the last few years. He is the driving force of the band along with those catchy choruses and riffs. He has a lot of charisma and unstoppable energy, just check out the live clips on their YouTube page and it's pretty awesome to see.

DARKER HALF play a complex and driven Power Metal with class and finesse with some streamline hooks and blistering riffs. They might be the future unsung heroes of the genre and this album packs a punch and it's just a collection of groovy, Power Metal with some awesome energy. It's funny to think that this band is from Australia and they sound like mid 90's German Power Metal! Australia has given us so many great bands throughout the years in traditional Rock and Roll to some great Progressive Metal bands but now they have a very solid Melodic Power Metal band in their ranks.

If you like bands like PRIMAL FEAR, TAD MOROSE or even late nineties/early 2000's ANGEL DUST, you will absolutely love this album, I am 100% sure about it!

8 / 10









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"If You Only Knew" Track-listing:

1. Glass Coloured Rose
2. Falling
3. Into the Shadows
4. If You Only Knew
5. Sedentary Pain
6. The Bittersweet Caress
7. Thousand Mile Stare
8. Poseidon
9. This Ain't Over

Darker Half Lineup:

Daniel Packovski - Guitars
Steven Simpson - Lead Guitars & Vocals
Dom Simpson - Drums
Simon Hamilton - Bass

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