Mourn The Dying Light


The concept of super groups in metal always generates excitement amongst musicians and casual fans […]
By Oli Gonzalez
March 15, 2022
Darkened - Mourn The Dying Light album cover

The concept of super groups in metal always generates excitement amongst musicians and casual fans alike. Whenever you have one featuring musicians associated with acts such as MEMORIAN and BOLT THROWER (amongst others), that excitement only intentifies, as is the case with DARKENED. With only a two track release in the form of "Mourn The Dying Light", I assumed they were a brand new band, though it turns out this is just a small snippet from a fast growing discography that already includes a full length album! If they were trying to dangle the metaphorical carrot to entice me to check out the rest of this back catalogue, then they've succeeded! I'll put it out plain and simple; "Mourn The Dying Light" is an absolute monster!

"Black Winter" is a solid track. Simple yet effective at times, yet there's a deceptive level of complexity. So many ideas and movements crammed into only 4 minutes. The guitar tones and bass sound full and crisp, yet there's still that primal retrograde feel you'd expect from a death metal release. Gord sounds guttural and visceral with his vocal attack thought the song. So yeah, "Black Winter" is good. However, "The Slime That Runs Down Your Throat" is on another level. How the band can transition from slow bludgeoning grooves to an all out blackened death metal assault at an eye watering pace so effortless is remarkable yet frightening in equal measures. The introduction of the orchestral backing track is a stroke of genius and adds an extra dimension to the mix. If Gord sounded visceral in the previous track, he sounds like a demon possessed in this track! Check out the lyrics to the ending verse: "Tear the flesh from your own bones, and shriek in joyous victory". Poetry in motion, and creativity that would make Stephen King smile, whilst also being so blatantly spinechilling and terrifying. I love this song!

Production wise, I can't fault it all. Easiest 10/10 I've ever given. My only gripe is that, well, it's extremely short. With an additional song or two, the band could really showcase their massive potential and array of talent. Though the primary purpose of "Mourn The Dying Light" is to breadcrumb the casual listener into checking out the rest of their impressive offerings. It's worked for me. This release was short, sweet and direct, so my final thoughts will be; buy, stream, download this. Do what you have to. Just listen to it!

10 / 10









"Mourn The Dying Light" Track-listing:

1. The Black Winter
2. The Slime Runs Down

Darkened Lineup:

Hempa Brynolfsson - Guitar
Linus Nirbrant - Guitar
Gord Olson - Vocals
Andrew Whale - Drums
Tobias Cristiansson - Bass

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