Dark Regions


Pure fucking Death Metal. These are the only words that are coming to your mind […]
By Yiannis Doukas
October 2, 2008
Darkcreed - Dark Regions album cover

Pure fucking Death Metal. These are the only words that are coming to your mind as you listen to Dark Regions. A complete unknown band for me probably, with a member living in Mexico and the others in Scotland, managed to bring an earthquake to my room every time I was listening this almost for half an hour of holocaust. DARKCREED are not new in the scene, they almost count 14 years of presence and - except from this disc - they had released two demo tapes, In The Blackest Eyes in 1996 and Spiritual Blindness in 1999. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with these recordings so I don't know what they are about.
As it is written in their MySpace page, their debut was recorded in both countries, Mexico and Sweden. Well, the second country seems that plays an important role in their sound also. When I first came across the band I thought of early ENTOMBED, DISMEMBER and GRAVE. This act is into a complete deadly realm for its music without giving importance in the speed of drumming. This has the wonderful results of some complete killer mid-tempo parts and the rising of the power and heaviness. The beginning is absolutely 'grab your head' with an unscrewing your neck riffing for Sinner Mind. Generally, when they play slow the symptoms are effective for your body since it is impossible to resist and you surrender into painful headbanging. One of the best parts is in the end of Deathless Ones and in the last lyric verse. Fuck, this record kills me.
The smell of death and rotting is everywhere. Include some blasphemy in the lyrics, with something like after death travels where you discover the absence of god and the eternal haunting of your soul and you are in. This reek that their songs exposure, is more than obvious in the lead part of Dark Regions (the guitar reminds other eras) and in Encoffined. No, don't consider something like AUTOPSY but they are in a good way for traveling you into empty tombs and images like these.  
The structure is generally simple and addicting, I would like more lead guitars inside, only Encoffined had some and in the end of Deathless Ones something like SLAYER leads were screaming. It must be also mentioned that except this Swedish aura you can find enough parts of bands like BENEDICTION (Unnamed Holy Fake that is almost crush reminds them a lot and the vocals that have a perfect timbre sometimes are close to Dave Ingram's ones). If the vocals in further releases will become more expressive I believe that they will reach the top level.
I would like some things to be different and better, some parts in drumming, the vocals I mentioned before...But the fact and main thing is that this disk has stayed for a very long time in my stereo. And not only this, when it ends I'm thirsty for some more. I hope that they will record something new in near future. As far as I know, a compilation that includes them is out in the streets named Resurrected In Festering Slime; you can check that too.

7 / 10


"Dark Regions" Track-listing:

Sinner Mind
Hell To Be Reborn
The Unnamed Holy Fake
Dark Regions
Deathless Ones

Darkcreed Lineup:

Andres Furukawa - Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards
Miguel Angeles - Guitar, Bass, Keyboards
J. C. Chavez - Drums

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