
Dark Ocean Society

So. We have all played the 'what am I game' in our infancy, haven't we? […]
By Brown Dwarf
December 22, 2014
Dark Ocean Society - Odyssey album cover

So. We have all played the 'what am I game' in our infancy, haven't we? You know the one, I run cold and hot, I look blue but I am actually red. What am I? (To find out the answer you need to read the rest of the article!) Well, that's the game DARK OCEAN SOCEITY are playing with us. Unlike a childhood round of 'what am I', DARK OCEAN SOCIETY seems to be a bit confused by the rules of engagement.  As both the band name and the album name "Odyssey" suggest, this should be a pretty brave effort at conquering the high seas. DARK OCEAN SOCEITY is a solo effort, and after just a few minutes of intense listening, I thought only a swift drowning of the captain could make this torturous misery end. Now, starting with the positives, any solo effort is to be applauded, it's by no means an easy feat to write, record and release an album on your own.

The musicianship on "Odyssey" isn't terrible and even the album's concept is pretty impressive; lost at sea hoping for salvation. But let's get this straight right from the start "Odyssey" is no "Rhyme of the Ancient mariner" by IRON MAIDEN or "North Sea Storm" by AMON AMARTH, this is more wailing mariner slowly sinking in a long and treacherous North Sea Storm. As I'm a (sea)fair(ing) man, musically the first song, "Tempest" is alright, it has a steady doom beat that does what doom is mean to do, conquer up the kind of atmospherics that you can get lost in. But then "Tempest" is ruined by some completely left field rhythms and wailing's that would make even Moby Dick's sonar go off course; this makes the track feel, well odd to be fair. Track two "Deep" returns into a doom groove which continues to show glimmers of hope. When the vocals start on "Deep" they are good, not strong by any stretch, but there's a little twinge of Death to them. But it's the clean vocals that stop "Odyssey" in its tracks, and unfortunately they kill it dead. I'm used to being in odd, uncomfortable situations, generally of my own making, I'm not easily phased, but by god, the clean vocals on "Odyssey" made me feel embarrassed and anxious.

The only thing I can compare the clean vocals to is a families drunken, inappropriate Uncle that grabs the microphone during nanas 90th birthday celebration and tells all in attendance exactly what he thinks of the family. On my first listen to "Odyssey" I thought maybe I just didn't "get it". But on my second and third listens, it just confirmed that this maybe the worse album I have heard, well certainly the worst album in recent memory anyway. Although musically "Odyssey" is bearable, it's the clean vocals that make "Odyssey" nothing short of terrible. I can't say any more, as I can't listen to "Odyssey" for a fourth time.

If I was to launch an inflatable paddling pool into the Tasman Sea, bearing a course to Fiji, with nothing more than an owl, lunacy and the stars for company, it would be more fun than listening to DARK OCEAN SOCEITY's "Odyssey" again. What am I? I'm Blood. Which has been the most enjoyable part of this review, and even that was poor, to be fair.


2 / 10

What the Hell?

"Odyssey" Track-listing:

1. Tempest
2. Deep
3. Adrift, Away
4. Horizon
5. Dreamlands
6. Ghost Trails
7. In Shadow Of Shadow

Dark Ocean Society Lineup:

C.M. Tedor - Vocals /All instruments

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