Beyond The Realms Of Sorrow

Dark Nightmare

These guys known as DARK NIGHTMARE are seen as an epic heavy metal band and […]
December 30, 2022
Dark Nightmare - Beyond The Realms Of Sorrow album cover

These guys known as DARK NIGHTMARE are seen as an epic heavy metal band and they began their musical journey in 1999 just before the turn of the new millennium as they had released a few demo releases in the years of 2001 - 2004. They also did a split album in the year of 2007 just before they released what was their debut album titled THE HUMAN LIBERTY in 2009 and then in 2012 this was succeeded by their second album titled BENEATH THE VEILS OF WINTER. Their music can be described as "the spirit of classic heavy/power metal meets the epic metal legacy, through a realm of darkly shaded melodies". In the following year of 2013 after their second album, they released their EP titled DESPAIR AND HOPE as this then led to their third album titled TORTURED SOULS in 2016.

Now six years later after their previous release in 2016, they have a brand new album titled BEYOND THE REALMS OF SORROW as it is now the year 2022. Unfortunately shortly after this new album was released, it was announced of the death of keyboard player GEORGE KARAGIANNIS, as he died from cancer 2 weeks later after the new album was released in November 2022. Nevertheless this album will be seen as a tribute to him and the album itself led by the current members including; YIANNIS PAPADIMITRIOU on vocals/guitars/songwriting, CHRIS TOLIS on electric guitars, NIKOS MICHALAKAKOS on bass guitar duties and finally on drums was DIMOS KONSTANTINIDIS. The intro track in their new album "Tears From The Sky" is glittering with mellow bass and melodic guitar riffs settled by the clicking of sticks at the very start as the tempo is not very fast nor is it slow.

Vocals cut through with high angelic notes that are very positive and determined to overrule the mix of all the other instruments. But when vocals don't lead then electric guitar takes the wheel of steering this track right on course and drums also seem to contribute as keyboards also have a say even though they are not as loud but they are there present in the mix. Guitar sliding and vibrato also come into play and both vocals or drums do engage in a straight forward section where they carry the tone and theme of the album so far. "Hold Me In The Light" comes to life with similar guitar riffs as they coordinate with drums to create the building crescendo as this nice flow is clear and concise. Vocals do join in but electric guitar and drums plus bass follow the same instructions given to them at the start as they allow vocals to fluctuate in the upper quadrant of the audio spectrum.

Electric guitars also play long sustained notes as drums improvise on these creative fills as they fill the space in between each guitar note, especially with the many cymbal hits. But then guitar goes on a solo expedition as drums support alongside bass guitar to a point where drums is acting as the lead instrument, guitar does well to ignite the melodic side of this track. Vocals come back in to lead us into the next track which is "Timerider" where glorious guitar and thundering drums fire straight into action as we in for a treat here as non stop drums or guitar brings the vocal in for the kill as they reach higher ground as they have done so before. Guitar also seems to stick to the same tuning and picking notes when they are required to fill in the space as drums drive the force, but guitar does accompany drums in such a way they are like a metal duo encouraging each other to become so much more.

Halfway through the track the speed and tempo is taken down a couple of notches and trimmed right down to an adagio section where drums give more clarity and guitar bends those high range notes as they echo in the distance. Vocals return eventually and this leads into the next track "Haunted Life" as there is plucking guitar strings and mellow electric guitar also as drums come in but not as loud, certainly a more cautious approach so that they don't overtake the role of vocals and electric guitar have had in this album. Drums also follow a slightly different pattern as they are more punchy with additional notes and guitar is guided the way through even when drums change to more a progressive sound, electric guitar is there all the way til the vocals rejoin. A rather different section with drums more sustained allows vocals and electric guitar to fly on a free passage of musicality, as drums then accent alongside guitar screeching as keyboard sounds are heard also.

"The Fields Of Screaming Souls" has a very fast and vigorous drum pattern that races on with electric guitar but then it all slows right down with electric guitar taking steady footsteps as drums wrap itself around the melodic riffs of electric guitar. Vocals are commanding the track as they take on varied notation as electric guitar and drums continue to shower the land of magic and make believe. Drums also accent and use their articulation and dynamics to navigate the guitars and keyboards til we enter the next track which is "The Pain Of Our Soul". This sixth track is a two minute guitar solo with fascinating keyboard sounds as they play along like a dream or imaginary landscape where there is peace and prosperity. "Fighting In A Flow Of Time" opens with acoustic guitar which sounds very bright and cheerful too as there is a growing period of loneliness for guitar until the other instruments crash in after a minute and a half.

Vocals are awesome as ever and majestic whereas drums flow on this syncopated rhythm but perhaps more varied and alternative or progressive to the extent it is unique as is vocals. Electric guitar acts as a forerunner of the more melodic side of this track and drums simply follow along with more creative work and skills that make the drums very much in their own element. The beauty and characteristics of this track as well as composition is quite original and even when the drums have a chance to accent more as electric guitar flexes their muscles with more pitch bending even until we approach the final track. The somewhat double kick pattern by drums certainly mixes in well with the guitar as it is accompanied by keyboard sound effects. "Old Man Tales In The Woods" is a slow starter at first with jumpy drum hits and then guitar ringing out as the vocals also prolong their sound and electric guitar has more depth too possibly with bass guitar setting the foundation of this track.

Even the whoosh of cymbal hits in the background creates that atmospheric metal mass and vocals with slow but focused drumming is well arranged even with a few quick crescendos in between. The togetherness of electric guitar in one corner and vocals in another as they are separated in some way but then brought back into one big combination of a rather more progressive and theatrical sort of metal that isn't often heard even with power metal influences in guitar is definitely present. The closing section is very much a band unison until the drums and vocal evaporate leaving only acoustic guitar picking it's notes as it did in the previous track. This is an album full of wonderful melodies and rhythm that will certainly appeal to the heavy metal or progressive listener, as there are power metal hints too, what sensational qualities this album has and I do hope this continues on.

8 / 10









"Beyond The Realms Of Sorrow" Track-listing:

1. Tears From The Sky
2. Hold Me In The Light
3. Timerider
4. Haunted Life
5. The Fields Of Screaming Souls
6. The Pain Of Our Soul
7. Fighting In A Flow Of Time
8. Old Man Tales In The Woods

Dark Nightmare Lineup:

Yiannis Papadimitriou - Vocals, Guitars, Songwriting and Lyrics
Chris Tolis - Guitars
Nikos Michalakakos - Bass Guitar
George Karagiannis - Keyboards
Dimos Konstantinidis - Drums

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