We Are The Apocalypse

Dark Funeral

DARK FUNERAL are a legendary Black Metal outfit from Stockholm, Sweden. "We Are The Apocalypse" […]
By Alex Barnard
March 22, 2022
Dark Funeral - We Are The Apocalypse album cover

DARK FUNERAL are a legendary Black Metal outfit from Stockholm, Sweden. "We Are The Apocalypse" is the band's seventh full length album, released by Century Media Records on March 18, 2022.

This album is evil incarnate, plain and simple. It shows the group in fine form, playing to their strengths of making unholy, traditional Black Metal. The sheer amount of blast beats, tremolo picking and horror-inspired lyrics indicate that DARK FUNERAL are keeping strong with the style of Metal that they helped pioneer. It's also refreshing to see the band continuing to utilize more modern production techniques without stooping to cheating (i.e. using a drum machine). If you're looking for good, old fashioned Black Metal without any frills, you've come to the right place.

Heljarmadr, back for his second album with the band, is sounding particularly devilish and demonic, coming back swinging on tracks like "Beyond The Grave." Lord Ahriman, the one remaining original member left in the group, trades cacophonous riffs with Chaq Mol like he was born doing it, especially on such strong entries as "Let The Devil In." Adra Melek's bass playing is a force to be reckoned with, rumbling in the background at all times but always noticeable. And finally, Jalomaah's drumming is intense, fast and bludgeoning at all times ("A Beast To Praise").

Other highlights from this record include "When I'm Gone," one of the more melodic items on this tracklisting; "Nightfall," which gave off vibes of the band's classic album "Vobiscum Satanas" but with a more modern sound; and the title track, one of the more symphonic-sounding tunes on this album despite its lack of orchestral instrumentation.

Overall, even if the band's press photos look a little ridiculous (guys, you're in your fifties. The black leather is starting to look a little tight around the belt area), DARK FUNERAL have shown that the will of Satan is still burning strong within them. This is another one of those bands that I think will never expand past their original sound and that is totally alright. When you were on the forefront of a genre's early days, you can do exactly as you please, and that's what the band has done here.

8 / 10









"We Are The Apocalypse" Track-listing:

1. Nightfall
2. Let The Devil In
3. When Our Vengeance Is Done
4. Nosferatu
5. When I'm Gone
6. Beyond The Grave
7. A Beast To Praise
8. Leviathan
9. We Are The Apocalypse

Dark Funeral Lineup:

Lord Ahriman - Guitars
Heljarmadr - Vocals
Chaq Mol - Guitars
Jalomaah - Drums
Adra Melek - Bass

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