Mourning's End

Dark Doom

Through darkness and solitude comes the band's third full length offering, Mourning's End. Through foreboding […]
By "Der Bärtige Mann" Gareth Beams
October 17, 2020
Dark Doom - Mourning's End album cover

Through darkness and solitude comes the band's third full length offering, Mourning's End.

Through foreboding presence and oppressive atmospheres Mourning's End takes form as a journey who's path crosses atmospheric and melodic black metal into murky fathoms of Death and Doom. Experience the cosmic blackness and ancient rites as DARK DOOM rains fire and misery upon the mass below.

"Dusk" opens up with an increasing buildup as an intro, this is something that has been done well before. The atmospheric buildup is then shredded by the screaming vocals, ripping through and creating a new shade on the song. The tempo is set to a decent level and is balanced out well with the vocals, the harmonies continue to build with the short outbursts, vocally. This is a great way to add aggression to the song, to your advantage. This is a really effective, fast and frantic start to the album. It does seem to slow down towards the 4-minute mark. the Atmospheric Black and Doom feels seeping through brilliantly. The pace soon picks up again and adds more depth to the song, this is by no means a one-dimensional song. Solid start to the album.

"Through Time and Torture" continues with the darkness that was "Dusk", not changing a lot, but adding more melodies to the impressive arsenal that the album is building. The song has gone heavier with the melodies, it seems more Blackened and powerful. The song keeps up the frantic pace flawlessly. This pace is not on every song that DARK DOOM does, so to hear the new ideas and material coming through and hitting the mark is great.

"The Cosmic Realm Awaits" goes into more of the Atmospheric Black styles, even could say it has a bit of Pagan riff to it. The tempo has slowed down a little, but it goes towards the styles it is trying to build, adding depth and expanding. The song does pick up quite a bit of pace and aggression, with the new depths of Atmospheric melodies being torn apart and replaced with some great riffs and blending more Death Metal vibes into it. It's a song of 2 halves.

"Ancestral Spirit" has a peaceful, gentle melody to offer us as a starter. The main course is soon served, with a pulsating change of tempo and an additional side of aggression. The sounds of old school Black Metal like EVILFEST come to mind, offering a slight pagan side to the melodies also. The overall feel to the song changes midway through, slowing down and allowing us to appreciate the beautiful harmonies being presented. The aggression soon seeps through again and causes the tempo to shoot upwards, further showing us the great talent on display. What a great song. Dessert is skipped, ending with a flurry.

"Woods" starts off slowly once again. Building up with a gentle guitar riff, acoustic and calming. The aggression is here, but it is slow, painfully fighting through the barriers to portray the suffering. Great work. The sounds are more distorted, but not so much that you cannot appreciate what is going on. The sounds are darker than we have heard so far, but portrays the suffering that clouds the song, like you are fighting the elements against you in life. This song paints a picture brilliantly. You can just sit down and feel the atmospheric blackened artistry fill your ears

"March of Glory" starts off so much heavier than we have heard in a while. It's a good thing to mix up styles and show exactly what can be done with a change of tempo. The song opens up towards the middle with the well-used riff styles of Alex, he is not repeating his tricks, but using them sparingly and well. The song keeps up the intense pace and heaviness vividly. The song does seem like it will slow down, but it seems more of a break down, adding more aggression from the vocals and then adding a frenzied attack in full force. It makes such a difference when this is timed right and used correctly, it has been here.

"Mourning's End" is the final song, and I for one, did not want this album to end. The slow, melodic build up is once again calming and beautiful. Seriously, I could fall asleep to this being repeated. There is a build up approaching and when it hits, it tears through and opens up new melodies. The slower, deeper vocal approach is used well again, not being used out of context. The song does pick up on the tempo and is very catchy one again. The tempo builds up before slowing down gradually to regain its composure. This is a longer song, so I am expecting several more changes, but I think they will be placed well. The further the song goes on, the style remains, but it is going well. The pace picks up a bit to take us off on another solid riff. Great end to the album, never fading, remaining strong.

When Alex told me, he had the album done, I knew I had to cover it. I'm so glad I have; I think this is his best work to date. It's a flawless, blackened masterpiece that any band, never mind just ne man, should be proud of. The contrasting differences in the song are great to hear, you can feel the changes and the suffering. Blackened themes are sometimes overused and rubbish, this is not the case here. This is his best work to date and every song is on my iPod. Yes, that is how I measure a good album.

10 / 10









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"Mourning's End" Track-listing:

1. Dusk
2. Through Time and Torture
3. The Cosmic Realm Awaits
4. Ancestral Spirit
5. Woods
6. March of Glory
7. Mourning's End

Dark Doom Lineup:

Alex Wills - Everything

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