Where Fear Is Born
January 7, 2015

DANTAILON are a band with an impressive five albums to their name, I say impressive because there isn't one album they have produced that I wouldn't buy. Their music much like other bands has a feel of security to it, it's not different and you know exactly what you are getting with this Spanish Doom/Progressive Metal band. It is however hard to place them into one genre as they do cover a wide variety of techniques accustomed not just to one specific place as we see with some other bands.
The band formed in 2004, so this is their 11th year working together...in 2006 however they teamed up with band DET GERMANSKE FOLKET to produce not just one but two albums before being signed in 2014 to Sleaszy Rider Records. This led them to the release of their fifth album 'Where Fear Is born' on October 24th 2014.
This album lives up to the 'fear' factor when introducing you to their first song which has a very creepy childlike sound going on within, this fits nicely with the album cover which shows a child stood at the top of a stair case of what looks to be an abandoned building. The definition behind the name is a great choice for a metal band as DANTALION is a powerful Greek duke of hell whom has 36 legions of demons under his command. The image and opening music fit with this and sound/look as if they belong in a modern day horror film and I after seeing the cover I was intrigued to see what was inside.
What was inside did not disappoint one bit and has me hooked on what I feel are a great band, the music is slow but interesting. It may not be amazingly different from other bands but they do bring something new to the table in the sense that the music puts you into an enjoyable trance and if I'm honest this isn't a great album to listen to if tired and trying to stay awake.
It isn't necessarily a bad thing that this album isn't exceptionally fast as this is a metal album you can relax to. If you like metal you will often be asked if the music gives you a headache and what you listen to to unwind, the looks of disbelief I've received after saying I unwind to metal is ridiculous. This is one of them albums you can put on in the background before going to bed or if you're having a particularly stressful day and I love that it offers this. Music as a whole offers an escape but it is brilliant when a band takes things slow giving their fans a chance to focus on and enjoy the music more. You can appreciate the work that has gone into each and every track without it being over as soon as you press play. I applaud bands that have that going on in some of their albums especially as on previous albums DANTALION have done some faster work.
This album is perhaps one of my favourites that 2014 had to offer and no amount of words can really do it justice. I highly recommend this as a late 'Christmas' present to yourself.
7 / 10

"Where Fear Is Born" Track-listing:
1. Revenge In The Cold Night
2. Raven's Dawn
3. Lost In An Old Memory
4. The Tree Of The Shadows
5. Nightmare
6. Listening To The Suffering Of The Wind
7. Black Blood, Red Sky
Dantailon Lineup:
Villa - Drums
Brais - Guitars
David - Bass
Andres - Guitars
Diego - Vocals
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