

Exploding out of Hungary, this supergroup of putrid death is disgusting in all the right ways and will leave you wanting more!
July 30, 2024

Forging a powerful group of talented individuals that were brought together deep within the Makó metal scene by “János Juhász”, ex member of THY CATAFALQUE and GROT, to convey a putrid stench of death. Rotting beneath Hungary’s southern region metal scene of Makó of 2020, DAMNATION was born. With members “Péter Gáspár” who played for GROT, “Ádám Forczek” of the bands NEEDLESS and NEFALEM, “Tamás Bárány” of the band NEEDLESS and “Árpád Szenti” of the bands AHRIMAN, ATHAME and THY CATAFALQUE, this supergroup exploded into the scene. Immediately gaining traction, DAMNATION got the attention of Pest Records of Romania where they released their first EP “Majesty in Degradation” in 2021. The Ep was well received and further augmented their fanbase and momentum. Having laid dormant for a few years, probably due to other commitments of band members, they are back once again with a debut full-length album, “Fátum”. This album is ten tracks of solid death that lasts for 42:45 minutes. If it is anything like their EP, we are in for quite an album.

I love this album art, the color choice and overall image does justice here. Less is more. Some really nice bronzed gold highlights and black shading for the details. A distorted or mangled skeleton protruding from the simple bronzed background with auburn highlights of the back of the rotting skull. As if one is suffering as they are engulfed in a golden-bronze fog. Simple but effective. The Bands logo in the top left as the album name lay bottom right in a clean font. At first glance, and knowing who is involved, I cannot wait to blast this album. “Belső kapuk a világűrbe” begins with a thick and heavy low tuned riff that coats a heavy bass solid drumming, and putrid ratched growl. The track soon switches the tempo that leads into their first vile verse. This song is disgusting in all the right ways and already showcases their talent right out of the gates. The dynamic thatched vocals and low visceral deathly growls that pair with the heavy thick chord progression is amazing. Even a solo that shreds.“Holocén Alkony” just annihilates with an intense rush of those thick chugging heavy riffs that shred. Simply disgusting in all the best ways as a barrage of blast beats and heavy double kicks that pummel you to death. The vocals follow the tempo perfectly and just builds that intensity and aggression. 

 Each track has its own stench of death with each having a somewhat different intro that progresses in its own way while still holding to that heavy thick low tuned guitar. Each track has unique chord progressions that display their own putrid tone. DAMNATION has done a fantastic job in the resurgence of a distinct sound of death from long ago. I cannot help but hear old SINISTER, GOREFEST and elements of MORBID ANGEL. This is what Death Metal is all about for me. I will say this, The mixing for the most part is pretty decent, however the vocals sit a bit off for me in the mix. But otherwise really well done. Starting out with an old school death sounding riff, “Az Idő Áramlatai” begins before “Árpád Szenti” decimates you with his intense barrage of bass  kicks. The man is a demon on the kits.“Ádám Forczek” helps set the tone with his dynamic ranges of visceral beastly growling vocals. Despite being the last track, the intensity remains. With a solid breakdown that leads into another solo that sheds before more ratched vocals paired with deep inhuman vocals. As a nice added touch the intensity breaks away for a classical piece on a piano with some atmospheric elements. This track was a brilliant way to end off an amazing album.

If you love death metal and truly enjoy the older stuff but have not heard of DAMNATION, then I recommend you go out immediately and grab a copy of their debut full-length album “Fátum”. Get this into your hands and thank me later. I will definitely be keeping my eye on this band for future releases. Due to other commitments, I can see the next album may take a bit, but I will be waiting and enjoying this one until then.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Fátum" Track-listing:

1. Belső kapuk a világűrbe
2. Halandó mindenség
3. Lennvilág
4. Múlás
5. Antiverzum
6. Holocén alkony
7. A paraziták vándorlása
8. Rejtőzködő fajok a kvantumok birodalmában
9. Zsigerlét
10. Az idő áramlatai

Damnation Lineup:

Ádám Forczek- Vocals
Péter Gáspár- bassist
János Juhász- Rhythm guitar
Árpád Szenti-Drums
Tamás Bárány- Lead guitar

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