Circle Of The Brave

Damnation Army

Three years ago I reviewed DAMNATION ARMY's last full-length effort Tyrant and if you have […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
April 2, 2009
Damnation Army - Circle Of The Brave album cover

Three years ago I reviewed DAMNATION ARMY's last full-length effort Tyrant and if you have read my review you would understand that I was not amazed by this band's music. Trying to do everything on your own has its positive, as well as negative parts. Thomas Nyholm has formed this one man band to lay his thoughts down, but the fact that he hasn't anyone else to help him with his musical vision was holding him back, something that was visible (or may I say audible) in Tyrant.

With his second full-length release through the Dutch Mascot Records (his fourth in total), Nyholm managed to overcome his restrictions not by adding members, but developing himself as a musician. Circle Of The Brave is a record that compared to his previous work is much better on every aspect. The Swedish mind behind DAMNATION ARMY has avoided falling into copy/paste methods and presents a well worked album with 9 well worked compositions full of beautiful melodies.

His Swedish Black Metal influences reach the surface, since DISSECTION style structures and guitar work with some NAGLFAR elements make their appearance in DAMNATION ARMY's music. Nyholm's collaboration (once again) with Tore Stjerna at Necromorbus Studio has not only armed the album with a more than decent production, but has also helped the band, actually the man behind this band, evolve musically on many levels. His riffing, vocals and overall work on the structure of the songs have become of a much higher level than the mediocre status of Tyrant.

Inspired by DISSECTION's latest offering Reinkaos and the melodic Swedish Black Metal in general, DAMNATION ARMY claim a place in the collection of every metalhead with a fine sample of melodic Black/Thrash Metal full of shredding and haunting melodies. My opinion is that you check out this little diamond called Circle Of The Brave.

8 / 10


"Circle Of The Brave" Track-listing:

Resurrect My Demon
999 Devils Descent
Last Breath
Angels Of The Underworld
Dark Ones Misery
Manipulated Dream Design
Upon The Bleeding Horns

Damnation Army Lineup:

Thomas Nyholm - Vocals, All Instruments

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