Drastically Reducing Earth's Population


D.R.E.P. is a Black Metal band from the Netherlands. This is their debut, self-titled album, […]
D.R.E.P. - Drastically Reducing Earth's Population album cover

D.R.E.P. is a Black Metal band from the Netherlands. This is their debut, self-titled album, and it has six songs. "Wereldreinheid" is the first. It's Black Metal, with a wall of guitars, speedy drums, and vocal screams. Uncompromising in nature, the vocals have an almost rapped cadence to them. "Mensendamp" is a little more linear, but still very intense. The guitars and bass play very low, contrasting with the high vocal screams. It creates a heavy bottom end, and an intense fire at the opposite end.

"Beenderendans" is a short, two-minutes of burning that leaves behind charred remains. The music borders on pandemonium while the vocals rage. "Karkassenkoets" is another intense rager but at this point, some of the songs are starting to run together a bit. The band seems to have found the sound that they want and are sticking with it at any cost, even at the expense of the album as a whole. The breakdown section is a bit different, and if they rolled with that, it could add to the diversity of the album. "Aardelating" has a little less intensity at times, but also sounds similar to the other songs.

"Nedergang" closes the album, and we finally get a different opening. It's clean, and very creepy. Where was this sound buried? The vocals are spoken words, sung in their native language. For a first effort, it wasn't a total loss, but if they band wants to stick around, they are going to have to embrace diversity so that the songs don't run together. Their sound is promising, however, but overall, it was just a mediocre listening experience for me.

5 / 10









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"Drastically Reducing Earth's Population" Track-listing:

1. Wereldreinheid
2. Mensendamp
3. Beenderendans
4. Karkassenkoets
5. Aardelating
6. Nedergang

D.R.E.P. Lineup:

Havoque - Bass, Guitars, Vocals
Deportator - Drum Programming, Keyboards, Vocals
Kombustar - Vocals

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