Forces Remain


CUSTARD performs a kind of European Metal music that actually is Euro Power Metal. This […]
By Grigoris Chronis
October 19, 2008
Custard - Forces Remain album cover

CUSTARD performs a kind of European Metal music that actually is Euro Power Metal. This is to be said again and again, since there was a tendency with all this 'candy' bands like EDGUY, HEAVENLY or SONATA ARCTICA to be labeled in such terminology. The differences? CUSTARD's music is 100% Metal, exceeds power and the bands hails from Germany by making music for the last 20 years.
They did not step that much on the Keeper Of The Seven Keys formats; rather they took inspiration by Walls Of Jericho and the legacy of 'fast' ACCEPT plus - of course - the dynamics of JUDAS PRIEST. Fact is CUSTARD is an honest band, having already released three albums since 1999, with Forces Remain being their brand new offering. For fans aware of the band's existence, it is crucial to be said that Michael and Chris are the only founding members still in CUSTARD, while the new album features - for another time - a new label for the band (the contract with Mausoleum Records expired or the band took off?).
The cover artwork is excellent; I love the genre's CD covers, even if the 'inner' product is not of relevant quality. Thankfully, CUSTARD I consider to be a sincere band; all of their three CDs in prior featured interesting Power/Heavy Metal music with fast parts, metallic riffs and furious solos, beautiful German Metal singing and some pounding rhythm section with personality. Forces Remain, in my ears, lies both in the 'heavy' and 'power' path of Metal. The 'mean business' of HELLOWEEN or early GAMMA RAY, dynamic parts like e.g. in METALIUM, a Teutonic weight to blends like in SCANNER, myth parts reminded me of the propositions of STORMWITCH, clever songwriting brought on HEAVEN'S GATE's thinking...
Thankfully, the production 'upgrades' the album itself, denoting everything needed to be exposed (fast parts, intermezzos, keys' atmosphere) and the listener should not find difficulties in enjoying Forces Remain. The album even goes epic (a la DOMINE) at times, with up tempo or battle-pace fields, but CUSTARD's style is solid enough to prevent them from proposing something naive.
This German quintet present's a descent side of German 'Teutonic' Metal. Nothing extraordinary but - overall - a good-to-very-good proposal by a band definitely worth checking out.

7 / 10


"Forces Remain" Track-listing:

Ancient Views (Intro)
The Dragonslayer
Heaven Strikes
Poke The Flames
Enter The World
Kind Of Peace
Angel Of Sorrow
Final Stand
For The Cross
God Of Storm
Forces Remain (Outro)

Custard Lineup:

Oliver Strasser - Vocals
Carsten Reichart - Guitar
Chris Klapper - Drums
Robert Resinek - Guitar
Michael Marquardt - Bass

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