

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: CURSEBINDER; signed via Avant Garde […]
By Craig Rider
April 24, 2023
Cursebinder - Drifting album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: CURSEBINDER; signed via Avant Garde Music, hailing from Polish grounds - performing Black/Doom Metal, on their debut full-length studio album entitled: "Drifting" (released April 7th, 2023). Since formation in 2019; the quartet in question have only this here debut full-length studio album of which I am introduced to, and a debut self-titled EP in their discography so far. 6 tracks ranging around 42:08... CURSEBINDER arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Black/Doom Metal amalgamations.

Opening up with this synthetic wave of mythical entrance; "Permeating The Undergrowth" elements a distilled harmony in monolithic tempo & rampantly rompy symbolism, ramifying this majestic slab of solid rumbles on reverberating maliciousness that thuds with sturdy tremolo effects amongst amplified adrenaline in blistering crescendo elements that perseveres with profusely robust songwriting musicianship that's rather weighty. This tight, punchline shred from guitarist HF conjures a hybrid experimentation in dexterously dynamic firepower expertise that shreds with scouring maelstrom momentum & sulphurous yet volatile substance on organic rifts of venomously strident vehemence that's primitively raw whilst seamlessly striking.

This heralding attribute closes the song with other-worldly sanguinity; until "Becoming" belts a clobbering foundation in blistering barrage frenzies of killer laceration in grinding barrage frenzies, densely grooves with versatile utilities on jazzy sound effects from audible bassist ŁS... thumping through with piledriving trembles & pandemonic ruthlessness that's quintessentially virtuoso whilst renegading with unique panache to boot. An immersively inventive distinction in deathly ghoul and concretely gritty instrumentation forges a flamboyant calamity on spacious vibes, pursuing through with distorted assimilation whilst towering systematics in all guns blazing furore implements a firing all cylinders impact for good measure.

"Can They Hear Me" is a brief interlude of more spellbinding, computerised harmonies... whilst "Affected By Panic" injects an infectiously pugnacious prowess to it, as gruesome gutturals from MP grumbles and growls with throaty pipes of raspy meatiness. Bleeding intensely with malignant viscerality & ominously jarring oppression, this relentless bombardment in berserking bestiality bulldozes eardrums with razor-sharp strife which manifests with throttling pummels from hammering drummer MK - who rambunctiously stomps the set with steely precision that's rather quaky. The titular track "Drifting" comes into play next; marvelling with salubriously swift nimbleness whilst strong yet vicious tropes in boisterously bouncy hooks fabricate a fierce conundrum in bludgeoning heft and abominable abhorrence that's vivaciously rigorous whilst vigorously ethereal at the same time.

This dark but blackened brutality rollicks with frolicking chugs and galloping grandeurs in symphonious trepidation within "No Dreams", where this outré furore infuses an enriching aesthetic on vibrantly potent strums whilst vivacious stability synergises speakers with ritualistic semblance... which crafts an extreme aggression on pestilence - masqueraded with revving doominess. In which mountainously stampedes onto the penultimate rager "Every Tree A Sanctuary"; monstrously scouring with snare building havoc, as chaotic but operatic sacrilege rips through with wrathful intent...especially in the tearing finale epic "Shred By Shred".

Bottom line; I am compelled to say that CURSEBINDER most surely outdone themselves with "Drifting", varied & distinguished... an enjoyably entertaining experience in Black/Doom Metal mergers showcases this prodigiously prominent subgenre with justifiable intrigue. Definitely worth spinning/replaying a good bunch of times, do check it out should you fancy a flexibly fundamental malevolence of wicked proportions that will surely make you feel grunty for the day ahead.

7 / 10









"Drifting" Track-listing:

1. Affected by Panic
2. Drifting
3. Shred by Shred
4. Becoming
5. Can They Hear Me
6. No Dreams
7. Every Tree a Sanctuary
8. Permeating the Undergrowth

Cursebinder Lineup:

HF - guitars
ŁS - bass, fx
MK - drums
MP - vocals

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