Destin Cruel

Cruel Fate

A brutal and nasty Death Metal release from this Death Metal Canadians!
December 28, 2023

As Death Metal experienced a commercial growth in the years between the end of the 80s (after some years hidden into underground) and the beginning of the 90s, the generation of acts as BOLT THROWER, ENTOMBED, DISMEMBER, UNLEASHED, BENEDICTION, DEICIDE, PESTILENCE, SENTENCED, MORBID ANGEL, OBITUARY and others started to influence the generations that came after them, and it’s the reason for many bands trying to sound in that way, and it’s what you’ll find on “Destin Cruel”, the second album of the Canadian quartet CRUEL FATE.

The band’s music shows a tendency to be rough, aggressive and ‘straight to the core’ as the Death Metal acts of the first half of the 90s. But’s not only this, because some elements of Groove Metal can be detected as a subjective influence on the quartet’s music (as heard on the title track), some samples can be heard in many moments, and their preference for tempos that aren’t as fast as lightning (but without falling into a Doom Death Metal trend as well). It’s not something extremely new or different, but’s for a fan of the genre, what they can ask that isn’t what the band is presenting here?

The songs of “Destin Cruel” were re-amped, mixed and mastered at Apartment 2 Recording, and the idea was to grant the album a rough and distorted sonority that would allow the quartet to have an Old School outfit. But those that aren’t used to the past’s ways will not have a hard time when dealing with it. And the Old School feeling is exacerbated by the artwork conceived and done by A.M. Dumouchel.

On this album the band uses lyrics in French (don’t ask the reason, for such info isn’t at hand), but’s not a problem at all. And to have an idea of what they’re doing, pay attention to moments offered on “Triomphe de la Mort” (an abrasive song with nasty Old School Death Metal guitar riffs and effects filling all the spaces), “Vampire Boréal” and “Destin Cruel” (both show so0me traits that reminds Groove Metal from the 90s, but with grunts and snarls that fits on the instrumental lines), “Descente aux Enfers” (this one is really on a tendency similar to early Death Metal acts with a simple and solid work on bass guitar and drums), and “Feu Christique” (pay attention to some avant-garde parts in the middle of Old School Death Metal massacre).

“Destin Cruel” offers a good opportunity for Old School Death Metal fans to find a band as CRUEL FATE. But’s a chance for all those that aren’t worried with labels or genres, but with music itself.

8 / 10









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"Destin Cruel" Track-listing:
  1. Triomphe de la Mort
  2. Vampire Boréal
  3. Destin Cruel
  4. Transit Sidéral
  5. Descente aux Enfers
  6. Feu Christique
  7. L’usurpateur
Cruel Fate Lineup:

M. Duval - Vocals
M. Choquette - Guitars, Samples
C. Lecompte - Guitars, Bass
S. Bouchard - Drums

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