Twixt Zero and Infinity

Crown of Ascension

CROWN OF ASCENSION is a one-man Black Metal side project by the mastermind behind the […]
December 5, 2020
Crown of Ascension - Twixt Zero and Infinity album cover

CROWN OF ASCENSION is a one-man Black Metal side project by the mastermind behind the bands VESSEL OF INIQUITY, and UNCERTAIN PRINCIPLE. As far as I can tell, this is his debut album, and contains five songs. "Hyperion" leads off the album. It opens with vigor, and with energy. The drums keep a steady presence as do the vocal screams, but there is more going on in the background. White builds this atmosphere that is as wicked as it is wonderful.

"One Way Pendulum" has a similar sound. The drums roll forward effortlessly, as do the constant vocal screams. Here you can also pick up some of the cello notes as well, along with some discordant piano notes. Again, it's all about what is going on in the background. Nefarious sounds...evil sounds. "Twixt Zero and Infinity" is just over three-minutes in length. But that intensity never lets up. Again, he fills the background with images of fire, sacrifice, demons, and rituals.

"A Romance of Many Dimensions" opens with a more linear sound, and something a bit easier to follow. Pretty soon, the drums take over, beating hard like a heartbeat of someone who is running for their life from some dark force out there. "Glorious Failer" closes the album. It's just over two-minutes in length. It begins with chaotic structures lead by furious drumming and screams. But again, it's what is in the background that is most interesting for me.

Overall, this was a solid release of anger, hatred and poison the likes of which you have probably never heard before. It's about as evil incarnate as evil could be. Intense, raging passages are mixed with atmosphere in the background that invoke a lot of emotions, and might move you to do things you didn't think you were capable of. Suddenly you find yourself looking for candles and a summoning spell, as dark forces gather, ready to act on your word.

7 / 10









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"Twixt Zero and Infinity" Track-listing:

1. Hyperion
2. One Way Pendulum
3. Twixt Zero and Infinity
4. A Romance of Many Dimensions
5. Glorious Failer

Crown of Ascension Lineup:

A. White - Guitar, Piano Cello, Vocals

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