Dawn Of The Dude

Cross Examination

CROSS EXAMINATION is (apparently) a Crossover Thrash band, hailing from the US; their latest EP, […]
By Daniel Fox
January 14, 2015
Cross Examination - Dawn Of The Dude album cover

CROSS EXAMINATION is (apparently) a Crossover Thrash band, hailing from the US; their latest EP, curiously-titled "Dawn of the Dude", barely breaks the 11 minute mark; the majority of the tracks (unsurprisingly) over a minute long. Taking a band seriously when the music they create is an obvious piss-take, can be somewhat difficult. Many such bands, however, often like to 'get a dig in', whether it be society, politics, religion or 'the system'; the ephemeral CORROSION OF CONFORMITY comes to mind.

CROSS EXAMINATION, however, do not seem to go in this direction with this album, or any direction, for that matter. First and foremost: yes, it is well-executed; the instrumental performance is beyond terrific and unbelievably tight, given the speeds most of the riffs are played at. However, if they are "trying to tell us something", I'm not hearing it, in large part due to incredibly unintelligible-verging-on-annoying vocals; no offense to the man. It is quite clear these lads prefer their Crossover comical; I suppose that derivative of Metal has a niche, even a following, though given that everything sounds nearly identical up until "The Bluntacolypse", I see no reason why this album would stand out. This track, however, was incredibly enjoyable; the closest thing to Thrash on the record, superbly crafted, executed and arranged. For the first time (in five minutes...?) I was getting some enjoyment out of the release; nearly 4 minutes long, it saw a wide range, almost followable, series of killer riffs, and some incredibly soloing. The final, title track, is another enjoyable endeavour; a strange monologue of sorts, it was hard not to get lost in the ebb and flow of the riffs.

It's by no means a terrible album, but I can't say I'll remember it; it's certainly not the best example of Crossover I've ever heard, but I imagine it will resonate with enthusiastic fans of the scene.

5 / 10


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"Dawn Of The Dude" Track-listing:

1. Wake Up Call
2. Opposite Day
3. Ritual Snackrifice
4. Hail to the Jeef
5. Subterranean Thrash Assault
6. The Bluntacolypse
7. The Dawn of the Dude

Cross Examination Lineup:

Devil Dan - Vocals
Leon St. Cin - Guitar
Justin Toxicated - Guitar
Raymondo Arriola - Bass
Jimmy "Wolfdaddy" Eberle - Bass
Ryan O'Brien - Drums

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