

Vintersorg has to be the Lance King of Folk/Black Metal because he is on like […]
By Ian Kaatz
May 11, 2006
Cronian - Terra album cover

Vintersorg has to be the Lance King of Folk/Black Metal because he is on like every friggin release that comes out. This release sees Oystein and Mr. V alone this time around, but just because there is a lack of band members doesn't mean there is a lack of good music. The recipe for this album though doesn't differ a whole lot.
Originally titled Ion, Cronian is a project that is done by Borknagar members Vintersorg and Oystein. There is nothing really to tell here as far as biography goes. Other than this is their debut album and the fact that the lyrics are based on near death experiences. Also they had Dan Swano master this album.
Cronian is basically a Borknagar album, in my opinion. Not that it is a bad thing, but this all in all doesn't sound overly different at all except for the programming. Granted there are some slight differences, but the programming causes those differences; such as the aspect that this album is just not as brutal as a Borknagar album. The other major difference is atmosphere and ambience that the programming creates. It is quite nice in some areas but unneeded in others. There are some highlights to this release though like Cronian. This song probably has the best programming on the album; a really nice atmosphere is created on this one. Another highlight is the next track on the album, Iceolated. Man, they really love the cold in Norway! This to me where Vintersorg shines the most, being that I think this is the song where he sings the most and I totally love his voice. Oystein also chimes in with plenty of his Black Metal screams, but it doesn't compare to Folk inspired croonings. There is also a programmed-only song called Colures, which is pretty interesting. I don't know if it is my cup of tea.
Even though this isn't a far departure from Borknagar, except for the programming, it is still a fairly good release. If you enjoyed the last Borknagar album then I would highly encourage you to pick up this album or if you're just a fan of Mr. V on the whole.

7 / 10


"Terra" Track-listing:

Diode Earth
Arctic Fever
The Alp
End(Durance) - Part I

Cronian Lineup:

Vintersorg - Vocals, Bass & Programming
Oystein G. Brun - Guitars & Programming

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